Reptilian Slave Trade & Mind Control

I watched some videos with some information from William Tompkins and it was the second session that caught my attention when he shows a picture of a Reptilian spacecraft, 5 or 6 of them and says something about them gassing us for mind control… I am sceptical about their forms of mind control… I would believe there are forms of mind control, but I am not sure about the types that is discussed… so I asked the Great White Brotherhood about it and this was their response:

Slave Trade

We have already discussed this subject and have told you that it is not true.
It would be impossible for masses of people to be transported to planets that do not have a breathable atmosphere and also, as virtually all alien life is in the astral realms, there would be no point in trying to construct physical objects that aliens would not use.
Also, it must be said that the technology that advanced aliens use would be very difficult, if not impossible, for any other people to manufacture.
Anything physical required by aliens in the astral realms can be made physical by the process of reduction of frequency.

The elderly gentleman that you spoke about thought that the slave trade was real because he had been fed this information by a certain group of negative beings that wanted to confuse and worry him to keep his mind from delving into other subjects closer to reality.

But, we repeat, the slave trade concept is not true.
The disappearance of vast numbers of humans each year has different causes, not at all connected to interplanetary slave trade.

Gas Mind Control

The photograph that was shown was depicting some flying craft but they were not of reptilian origin nor were they spraying gas on to the population. In fact, the objects were of Russian manufacture and the ejections from the rear were from the propulsion system because the UFO is a hybrid using anti-gravity technology but also conventional jet engine propulsion.

The gas spray idea is false.
But, as we have stated before, there is a machine on the far side of the Moon that keeps people in low psychic development.
So, although people are being mind controlled, it has nothing to do with reptilian gas.

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