A strange thing happened the other day.
It is a bit complicated to explain but I will try.
When I first came to France, back in 1987, I had to have a French identity card.
Eventually, I was told that I did not need one anymore so, I let it expire.
It got lost.
As Britain is leaving the common market, or EU as it is now known, I must get a French identity card again.
I started to fill in the form online and they asked for my old identity card. Obviously, I did not have one.
I looked through all my papers, but I could not find any proof of when I came to France, nor of my old identity card.
A couple of days ago, I looked again in the folder in which all the old passports and things are kept and there, right on top, was a photocopy of my old identity card – which was not there before.
So, I was saved.
I realized that this had been given to me by the Great White Brotherhood and so I contacted them to verify.
They confirmed that they had sent me the photocopy that they had found in the akashic records and had given to me.
I thanked the Great White Brotherhood.
Later that evening, I saw a ghost walk along our corridor, just outside my office where I work.
The door was slightly open and so I could see this ghost walk along.
I contacted the Great White Brotherhood again and they told me that sending me the photocopy had created a rift in the etheric plane and the spirit of a dead person saw the rift and came through out of curiosity.
Once the person realized that there was not much to see, it returned to the etheric realm.
And that is the end of the story.
But I thought it worth mentioning as it was a strange sequence of events.
That is an amazing story to read.
Now, was this a person in limbo?
I would not have expected the ghost of a person to come through a rift in the etheric, unless they were in limbo, or am I misunderstanding how it works?
No, people in Limbo are stuck there.
It is a sort of prison area.
The only escape is when an angel persuades them to rise to Heaven.
The person that I saw was from a lower part of the etheric realms.
It was a person that chose not to go to heaven after his demise.
There are quite a lot of people wandering about in that area.
This person was wrapped in a white shroud, so I assume that it was from some Eastern culture.
We bury people in clothes, but some countries wrap their dead in white shrouds or sheets rather like Jesus was wrapped.
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