Rock Bottom To Joy

People must reach rock bottom before coming back to joy.

If you are lucky, your rock bottom only lasts a few days or weeks, maybe months.
In my case, it lasted for years.
My test was much greater than most ever experience.

I won’t tell you what I went through but it lasted a long time.
I was really tested but I never gave in.

I look back on it now and I wouldn’t have changed any of it but I can tell you it lasted about 35 years.
It was horrific.
But it was necessary.

It was a long training, to introduce me to a different way of life that eventually unfolded.

That is why both my wife, who went through some of what I went through with me and I are so good at working for the Great White Brotherhood.
We were hammered on the anvil of service.
We are totally pliable, like a piece of metal that has been heated, hammered, heated and hammered again endlessly.

We are not the only ones who suffered like that, but it pays off in the end.

Nothing can hurt us now, as we have seen it all before and survived.
Our three kids, who suffered with us, are the same.
They are all following the spiritual path and have seen it all also.

All this sounds a bit dramatic, but we all had good boot camp training.

So, for all of you who are going through your experience, keep going.
Keep your faith in God.
Love your family and kids, if you have any and place them all in God’s hands.

God will see you out of your problems and your feelings of depression soon.

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