
Telepathy highlights the very problem with education here on Earth.

All people have within them, the latent ability to develop the “gifts of the spirit” as they are called.
They include telepathy, telekinesis, reading people’s auas and on and on. These are not some weirdo skills that only certain people can develop. They are a natural part of all people’s make up.

They have been suppressed in man so that the rulers can rule us with lies and deceit.
Once we develop those abilities, we can read people’s minds and know if they are lying to us.

I look forward to the day when we have Harry Potter style schools.
Certainly, learn the “3 R’s” as they are called, but also have classes teaching people telepathy and telekinesis etc.

Kids today don’t seem to spend much time actually learning academic things like Latin and Greek and all the stuff I had to learn, so the time is filled with time wasting things that are no use to anybody.

So, why not learn fascinating and useful skills?

The day will come when the mornings will be filled with the “3 R’s” but the afternoons devoted to esoteric development.

This will happen.

I don’t know if I will ever see it but, once we get rid of the nasty people currently in charge, it will be introduced into schools.

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