Separate From Our Bodies When We Sleep?

I have read that people, when they sleep, separate from their physical bodies and go into the astral realms.
Apparently, this happens naturally.

I was wondering if you had an explanation for that.

I will explain something that may help you to understand what happens when we sleep and wake up.

We have many aspects to consciousness but the two we are concerned with here are the brain and the mind.
The brain is a physical organ that controls your body, etc., when you are awake.
The mind is the nonphysical equivalent of the brain and takes over when you sleep.
So, when you are awake, your brain is controlling you. When you sleep, the brain largely shuts down and the mind wakes up and presents you with dreams, etc.
As soon as we wake up the mind shuts down and the brain wakes up. This is why we can’t, generally, remember dreams.

Now, it can happen that, as we wake up, the mind is not fully switched off and the brain is not fully switched on. At moments like that we can have strange experiences. But it is only the mind sending dream like – or etheric – images to the brain.
They go almost instantly as the brain wakes up.

Nothing to worry about.

But you don’t swan off to an astral realm when you sleep. It is just your mind creating images.

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