When at work, you have to do your best because you are not working for a boss but you are working for the God in all people.
That is a good thing to realise.
It can make the workday pass more agreeably. Also, it is important to realise that many people are still trapped in the matrix, but they also are on the path to God and you can help them, not by mentioning your interest in the spiritual path but just by your example of being a happy, calm, cheerful person, always willing to lend a hand when required. That example will help them rise up as your positive attitude will brush off on them.
Try never to be depressed.
Try never to get angry. If someone gets angry with you, remain calm and, as you are replying to them, send them love. Surround them with a cloud of love.
Lastly, remember that your higher self decided to place you in this work situation for a reason.
God sends us tests from time to time a bit like, when we were at school, we learned for a few months and then we were given a test to see how much we had learned.
God does the same.
The only difference is, that God plunges us into a situation, in this case work, and asks you the question, ‘Do you trust me to guide you through this situation?’ Or some variant on that.
You have to answer yes or no!
If you answer “yes”, you have passed the test. If you answer “no”, God will teach you some more and then ask you again.
I think that story of Job in the Bible describes that situation.
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