Signature Frequency

I would like to start a discussion about changing frequencies and I need to try and understand one thing.
The Great White Brotherhood have stated that we have a signature frequency.
My question is this, is that signature frequency the same throughout our whole body or is the frequency different in all parts of our body? Meaning is the frequency the same at my toe as it is at my nose?

I, very possibly, don’t have all the answers but, what I am fairly sure of is that you have a unique signature frequency that remains the same throughout your entire incarnation.
If you advance spiritually, your basic physical structure does not alter. It remains the same.
Also, when we raise our spiritual frequency, it is happening just in the spiritual part of us and the physical body is not affected.

Now, when we were conceived and were in our mother’s womb, we were a part of her. Thus, our little body had the same frequency as our mother. Then we were born and still had the same frequency as our mother so that she could breast feed us and that milk would be compatible with us.
They have implied that, when a baby is born, all the time it is using its mother’s milk, it has to be of the same frequency as the mother or the milk would not be compatible with the baby’s frequency and the milk would poison the baby. This does, indeed, happen from time to time and the baby must drink an alternative milk. But, generally, the baby retains the same frequency as the mother until it is weaned, and then it goes to its own frequency.
As we came to the point where we started to be weaned and eat a variety of food, so our structure gradually altered until we had our own unique signature.
Then we no longer drank our mother’s milk.

So, it implies that if you eat anything, that “anything” contains a large variety of atoms, some of which will have your name on and many that won’t.
You ingest the atoms that are compatible with you and reject those that are not compatible. That is why we must visit the bathroom every day.
So, from what I have understood, the physical body draws towards it, only atoms of the same frequency as the person and does that until his death. The atoms drawn do not change in frequency.

Ok, so, the type of molecules that make up me as a human are/were waiting for me, and when I was conceived, those molecules were attracted to me because their unique frequency and my “spirit” frequency are the same??? Is that correct?

So, does that mean, that as I change frequency, so my molecules all need to change, or do the molecules that are/were attracted to me change as well but are the same molecules as before???
This may explain why we are created and destroyed billions or trillions of times a “second” because we are never, not in motion, and are changing billions or trillions of times a second, to account for our constant change in frequencies.

Not to add too much to this conversation but, do we change our signature frequency when we move our position?
This is in reference to your video about how some alien’s travel. So, what I’m trying to say is, every time we move (A + B + C = D), does our signature frequency change as a result of that move? I guess this is a different way of asking the same thing as above but using a different reference.

I’m thinking that at our core, our signature frequency is supposed to be all the same but parts of our body can become out of harmony and show up as dis-ease… so to be “pure” would be to mean that all of the molecules that make up our body are vibrating at the same frequency…

I just thought of another thing, that our “spirit” or the frequency of our true being would need to change in order for the new molecules to be attracted to us as we change our frequency.
Everyone states that in order to attract different things to us or to ascend we need to change our frequency, so that leads me to believe that even our true beingness changes in frequency.
This would also mean that as we increase our frequency and potentially put on a new suit of molecules we are “moving” closer to our higher selves.

You have raised a point that I dared not raise. I have never spoken about this to anyone because it sounds so wild.
But since you asked…!
I mentioned in a previous email that there were atoms of oxygen, hydrogen, helium and so on that were destined to be made into stones, plants, animals or humans.
What I dared not raise was that, in effect, there are atoms of oxygen, hydrogen and so on that have your unique signature frequency on them and they, and they only, will be drawn towards you by the law of mutual attraction.
Can you understand this?
Of all the atoms of oxygen that are in the world, not only are some destined to make humans but some have your signature frequency encoded so that they will only link with you and no one else.
So, your entire body is made of atoms vibrating with your special frequency.
This is the same with all things. Everything is encoded with a special frequency and the atoms that must constitute that object all have exactly the same, unique frequency.

From what I understand, once you have your personal frequency developed, it remains like that throughout one’s incarnation. So, it does not alter when we move.
What does alter is the frequency of the spot where we are.
So, to exist we need the combination of our frequency (which never alters) plus the frequency of the spot where we find ourselves. So, we have an A (us) + B (place) = C

Don’t forget, that what I have been describing applies only to the physical body in a physical world.

The spiritual realm is also made of atoms but exactly how that all works in relation to our spiritual bodies, I have not been told. Perhaps it is better that I don’t know. My poor brain has a limit.

Anyway, I find it amazing that not only is everything vibrating but, in order for us to have a unique frequency, atoms corresponding to our frequency have to be created.

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