Silver Cord – Heart Chakra & Connection Point

The silver cord is actually a sort of hollow tube.

Its outer casing, it is true, is connected between the etheric double and the base of the spine entry point but, as it is hollow, life energy is constantly flowing through the tube between the auras and the heart chakra, pouring life energy constantly into the heart chakra which is the prime energy center.

The heart chakra is the most important chakra because it is the chakra connected to love and, as the modus operandi of our God force is love, it follows that life energy is connected to love.

So, at the moment of death the outer casing of the silver cord dissolves – or rather, fades as the etheric double fades – thus no energy can flow into the body and the body stops functioning.

End of the Great White Brotherhood message.

That is all they gave me but I also received a “block” of information from my higher self which informed me that the outer casing is actually made of gravity and the energy flowing through it somehow comes from whichever aura is connected to love and comes into the etheric double where it travels to the heart center and enters the heart chakra.

It is the concord of frequency that enables the love frequency to find the heart chakra, which is our love (life) connection between our spirit and physical energies, if you see what I mean.

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