The dis-ease known as DID can cover a wide range of physical symptoms ranging from true multiple personalities within one person to simple, but uncomfortable, traumatic fear of apparently rational events.
The cause is nearly always one common source – trauma.
The victim of this illness has suffered, at some time in their life, a traumatic event, or a series of traumatic events, that cause the person to “switch off” his normal personality and go into a secondary one in an attempt to reduce the pain of reliving the event.
In some circumstances, it has been known for the change of personality to be so extreme, that things like a change of eye color can occur – but that is rare.
It is as if there are more than one possible base personalities associated with people and the main one can take a back seat and a second version can come to the fore.
This, in fact, is what is happening.
We all have, associated with us, the possibility of moving to alternative realities, in which case, the original person is left behind and, when the person moves to a new reality, there is a total change of the person.
This, in fact, is happening to us all the time.
We are not the same person today that we were long ago. We are, hopefully, more mature. We think differently. We act differently.
However, as the change is normally gradual, we do not notice the difference but if we were able to jump suddenly between two, or more, versions of us, we would notice a vast difference.
This sudden jumping between two states, two realities is known as DID and, as was said, is usually provoked by trauma, in which the person desires to escape from one reality and jumps into another reality.
However, because of the pain of the trauma, the person decides not only to move to a parallel reality but to use that opportunity to create a different personality, rather like someone creating a new identity in order to hide from a possible aggressor. They change their name. They change their look, hair color and so on.
So, in a nutshell, that is what DID is.
The person jumping from one personality, one reality to another instantly. Then the person jumps back and forth between the personalities without realising that it is, in fact a jumping from realities, from timelines.
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