This message was a discussion between Bob and I (Guy) many years ago when I was new to the messages of the GWB and still trying to understand the concept of our realities.
What the GWB had told us to this point was that we create our reality and that the past, the present and the future all exists now and that everything already exists now and that all humans that existed, exist now and would exist in the future, already all exist.
This was very puzzling for me at the time so I was trying to understand how creation can already exist in the future and thought of the idea that what exists are templates of reality for any possible existence and experience and all that we need to do is to draw to us those templates as we make our thoughts and choices moment by moment and that could explain why everything already exists for us to experience.
This message is being shared as a possible way to help people visualize reality or timelines in their minds to understand how it might be possible for everything in creation to already exist, for the past, present, and future to all exist now and it is only as we evolve, that we can access those templates that have most of life already in them and we just need to be present in those templates to experience them.
This lesson was not a download or message from the GWB and was just Bob and I puzzling things out.
I personally don’t work concept anymore, but I think that it still has some importance and has some information that people can take away to help with further understanding. It was a concept that help me progress my learning and understanding.
We hope that it helps some people also trying to puzzle out the nature of our reality and creation.
Begin message:
The Directors Of Life (DOL) do not create anything that we do not need for our immediate use – conservation of energy.
Let us imagine that everything – past, present and future, plus all the parallel universes were in fact, already created, complete, waiting for us in case we need one.
In that case, complete worlds would have been created for every person that has lived, is living or will live. Their lives from birth to death would be laid out, frame after frame like looking at a picture book.
Then, add to that the countless alternative realities that, apparently, exist for us to jump to if we want.
So, for every single person, not only would our present reality exist but all the possible alternative realities would also exist, for every single person.
This would be an incredible amount of work to create and the energy expended would be colossal.
I can’t imagine the DOL wasting all that energy creating zillions of possible universes for zillions of people just in case they use one of these universes.
I think that the template concept is probably close to the answer, or maybe the answer.
If, for one person, blank templates (still frames of time and space) are available and, as we progress through this life, or an alternative life, we fill the frame with little cutouts of people, animals, buildings, cars and all the rest that goes to make a picture of life, that would certainly be a good way to create things without wasting energy.
We would have, stored in our mind, images of everything that we know about, and we fill each blank frame with these cutout images. A bit like a child taking cutouts and placing them on a blank page of a coloring book.
This would also relate to the idea that, if we do not have an idea of something already created in our mind – the pigeon hole idea – we have to reject that concept.
In other words, these pigeon holes would already contain the cutouts of cats, dogs, people, houses, cars and all the rest that goes up to make a world plus all the various mental, philosophical, religious, political concepts that people talk about. All stored as little cutouts that we pull out to fill the frame of “reality” as we need it.
This would also imply that it is not really the DOL who create reality, it is us.
If I were able to jump to a new future that I wanted to experience, it would, in fact, be me that fills the frames with images that correspond to the new reality that I have “jumped” to.
To download this message, please click on the link below:
PDF - Template Realities