Question regarding praying.
I have read several times your instructions on praying and I completely agree that most people do it wrong, which includes me.
I think I understand the concept that we should not be praying that we have a problem because that will bring more problems to us or seemingly a lack of any help.
It’s a difficult concept to understand because it’s natural to state there is a problem and then to ask for help or guidance.
So, I want to make sure that I get it right because I understand from you and others that it’s not only prayers this concerns but our thoughts as well.
What I believe I am to do is to pray or have thoughts that my problems or issues have already been solved and to continue to believe that the issues are resolved.
Is this correct?
I am to pray and think that the problem is solved even though it hasn’t been?
For example, instead of praying or thinking that I have an illness (problem) and asking to have it cured (help) I should be praying and thinking that my illness has been cured and to always think this? And to feel the joy and peace that the illness has been cured.
Again, I just want to make sure I am clear on this one as it’s a big one because it’s so easy to get wrong as it seems to be human nature to state a problem and ask for help.
Logical really when compared to believing we are cured when the reality of the illness is constantly felt or seen.
Yes, you have got it right.
Never dwell on a problem but thank God that the problem has already been solved and that you are just waiting for it to appear.
The more certain you are that the answer to your problem is already on its way to you, the faster the answer comes. If ever you say, ‘Oh, I will try to be positive but my prayers are never answered’, you can be sure that the problem will remain.
Regarding illness, don’t forget that the answer may come from a medical source. So don’t just rely on God. God also works through doctors so do not hesitate to consult a doctor if you are unwell.
The same applies to everything.
Whatever your problem, thank God for sending you the answer but be open to all the sources that God will send you to resolve your problem.
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