The Big Squeeze

I spent many hours getting dictation from the Great White Brotherhood, it was about midnight and I was getting weary and I said that I wanted to take a break and would return.
Well, I came across a video and I started to watch it and forgot time.
Suddenly, I felt an extreme pressure around my head – that means contact as you may know – so I stopped the video and called “what’s up” – in my head.
“Turn that video off and come back and do some more work on the book.” cried the GWB.
I had completely forgotten that they were waiting patiently on the other side of the veil.
So, I grabbed my pad and pen and sat up straight ready for some more dictation.

But it did make me laugh.

When I talk to them again, I will apologise.

Now, with regard to the head squeezing, many years ago I asked Father Ignatius, who was teaching me for a while, how I would know if he was with me and he said that he would squeeze my head. It feels like two hands around my forehead area, all the way round, and he would squeeze tight, almost painfully, for a moment, like a severe headache, then it would go.
That is what I felt.

Now, I can’t be sure that others will experience that with their guides.
You need to be careful or you will find yourself talking to yourself and being mislead. It could even be a nasty spirit so don’t just assume that your guide is with you and open up.

Even I, last night, before I spoke to the GWB, did a prayer of protection.
I never take a chance.
Every day, before I establish the link with the GWB, I say a prayer to God thanking him for sending his angels to stand guard over the communication and for keeping it safe from any unwanted interference.
Then, if I have a break for an hour or so, I do the protection thing again before contacting the GWB.
I never assume that I am safe.
I make sure by establishing the barrier through prayer and visualisation.
It does not stop the good spirits (the GWB for example) but it acts as a barrier to anyone else.

So, you can ask if it is your guide contacting you but make sure you do the protection thing before speaking.

Normally I never receive a head squeeze unless it is really urgent – very, very, rare.
Normally they just squeeze my head when we are ready to make contact telepathically and the head squeeze is very noticeable. Not a light squeeze but a definite, violent, painful one, that only lasts a second or two. But unmistakable.

So, if you get sometimes a light head squeeze, I cannot advise you, as we will have different guides.
Don’t be afraid to ask. Who knows, it might be the beginning of telepathic communication.
Get a pad and a pen and write down what you hear, as I have already said.

I have at all times a pad and a pen and anything they say to me I write down, even if it is unimportant. It is a means of clearing the mind and just letting the pen flow and also it is a permanent record of what they say in case it is important.
I have pads full of stuff, some important and some not but I write everything down.
I don’t concentrate on what I am writing. I just go blank and let the pen flow.

On a separate topic, but you might find interesting, when I started to get the download of a new book – I forget which one – I found the telepathic communication very difficult. I enquired why and was told that I had been assigned a new guide that had just finished his training.
We stumbled on and, gradually his ability increased to the point that it is excellent today but at the beginning it was indeed difficult for me.
It might be the same problem for you but I cannot say for sure.

Now, to expand the subject of communication with the GWB (and possibly any other guide), I have found them to be rather “distant” in their chattiness.
For instance, when a chapter is finished, there is just silence.
I reproached my guide that he could not inform me that a chapter was finished and he apologised saying, “Where we live we do not need to give that sort of information. We just know when a conversation is finished.”
I said to him, ‘You are with me and I have no idea what silence means. Could you please, in the future, tell me exactly what is going on: Hello, good by, the chapter is finished, etc.’
He apologised and said he would.

Perhaps you could ask your guide to be more specific in contacting you so that you can understand.

Lastly, but very importantly, I thought that I would mention to you what happens if they – the GWB – say a word to me that I don’t have in my mind.

Yesterday, I was scribbling away about consciousness and, all of a sudden, they said a word that I did not have.
When this happens, I can’t hear the word. No matter how often I get them to repeat the word, I just can’t hear it. I can hear a sort of muffled mumbling and that is all. If I try to get them to spell the word, it doesn’t work.
So, I finished the sentence, asked them to hold on, read the sentence and I could see that it was a variation of the word “eternal”.

So I went to Google, tapped eternal and then went to a thesaurus.
I said to the GWB that I would read all the words and they tell me when we hit the right one.
Well, we went through a number of words and, eventually, came to “sempiternal”. “That’s the one.” said the voice and so I wrote it down.
Now, I had never heard the word sempiternal but it does mean eternal.

I mention this so that, when you are doing telepathic dictation and you come across a word you don’t know, you can use Google to help you.

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