The Christ Spirit

From the Great White Brotherhood:

The Christ Spirit is the part of us that is connected to the spiritual aspect of us.
Humans – and all things for that matter – are multi-dimensional entities.
Part of us is just down to Earth in the sense that part of our personality is designed to deal with every-day matters.
But, deep within us, is an aspect that is closely related to God.
So, to describe the Christ Spirit in simple terms, we can say that at our most profound level, we are part and parcel of God, and that we could call our Christ Spirit.
Obviously, we could go on and link our most holy aspect of personality to the Christ Spirit, but in simple terms, we can say that the Christ Spirit and the God force are the same thing.

That was the message from the GWB, however, in reality, it is far too complicated actually to understand this gestalt that changes us into the Christ Spirit once we can absorb all 12 aspects of personality.
In my opinion, we can understand it as a mental concept but, personally, I could not visualize it in practical terms.
Although the GWB explained the concept, in reality, it is much too advanced for us at our stage of development to fully understand the concept.

I just accept the whole thing as a possibility but I do not try to imagine the change that would occur in me if I were able to have all the personality aspects working in my mind at the same time.
I have enough problems with just one major personality program driving me through life.
I believe that the GWB did warn us that the 12 personality concepts would be beyond our ability to comprehend.
If we tried to imagine that we had all 12 aspects working in a balanced fashion within us, we might just end up with split personalities and finish up in the loonie bin.
So, if people question me about this subject, I explain the concept and warn them not to try to put it into practice.
Heaven can wait.

Do you think: “Obviously, we could go on and link our most holy aspect of personality to the Christ Spirit”
Is in reference to the 13th personality? The 13th being the most holy personality.

Honestly, I don’t think the GWB called it the 13th Personality. I think that it had something to do with in the future, people would have 12 strands of DNA.

It will not be some physical change but a spiritual change in the future, as more and more of God’s light fills the darkness of earth. This, by the way, could be long into the future, when future humans are born with more personalities already in them – so to speak. Also referenced as born in the future with enhanced or modified DNA. Not modified by the misguided people trying to change people already on earth, but they will be born with their connection to the 4th dimension (and Higher Self) stronger than we have and the attempts of the people who think they have the right to control us and the earth will not work on them.

So, all these things mean the same thing. The 13th personality, the Christ Spirit, the Higher Self, the God Spirit – its all the same thing.

Honestly, I would drop the 13th Personality concept as it just adds in confusion, because ultimately all we are trying to do is, through prayer, meditation and helping others, connect to our Higher Self to tap into the higher knowledge and higher vibrations, which may lead to us developing the gifts of the spirit.

Terms like “the Christ Spirit”, “the God Spirit” and so on are really just used to help people who are mostly brought up in a religious background, grasp the concepts of a different concept that is termed spirituality.

It is better to boil it down to referencing it as the Higher Self – meaning our connection to God – than to try and keep all these different terms all meaning the same thing.

In addition, adding another personality into oneself doesn’t mean that we become two people or someone with two personalities, it means that we become more understanding, knowledgeable and accepting of others who have that same personality instead of thinking that they are different, we see them as ourselves, which is the point of it all, that we see everyone as ourselves and that all is one and that one is God.

The way, as always, to be able to accept all these different personalities – different people – is through the practice of prayer, meditation and helping others when it is appropriate.

Yeah, it really boils down to just becoming more God like.

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