I learn something every day.
Today, someone contacted me and asked me a complicated question about the earth’s atmosphere and the etheric realm.
I did not understand but the penny has just dropped.
I think that what he was asking was this.
Everything on Earth is made in the same way. Therefore, if we have an etheric double, like a mist around our bodies, is it possible that the earth has also an etheric double?
The answer is yes.
He went on to ask is this etheric double around the Earth what we call the atmosphere?
I suddenly realised that the answer is yes.
I had never thought of this.
The atmosphere is, in all probability, the etheric double of our Earth.
Of course it is.
When I go off into the etheric realm, I must be going into a frequency of the atmosphere that is just outside of our vision.
Sorry, I am thinking aloud.
I am totally astounded by this information. It had never crossed my mind that the Atmosphere is the etheric double of planet Earth.
To download this lesson, please click on the following link:
PDF - The Earth’s Etheric Double