The Guiding Hand

There is a link between the body and the higher self.

We have a physical brain.
Attached to that is a “spiritual” part that we call the mind. Although it is non-physical, its function is to tell the brain what to do.

These two parts are what education concentrates on at school. At school we learned to read and write and so on and most people who have a good memory can pass exams and rise to high places simply by retaining information and passing that information to our brain at the appropriate moment so that we can say something or write something and people call us “knowledgeable”. This knowledge gets confused with wisdom and people call us wise if we have a lot of knowledge and can spit it out at the appropriate moment.

The problem is that neither the brain nor the mind are supposed to control us. They do not know anything about how to manipulate information in any wise way, so all of us make mistake after mistake as we permit the mind and the brain to take charge. It is a bit like being on a sailing ship. Consider the mind as the steering wheel and the brain as the sails. Unfortunately, if we have no one controlling the steering wheel, the boat just flounders about, pushed this way and that by every gust of wind and every wave.

Now, the higher self is the guiding hand that should be holding the wheel and guiding the ship to safe haven.

Very few people know that it is the higher self that should be put in charge. It is information deliberately kept from us by the evil ones because, once we can control our lives, we don’t need politicians and religious leaders to tell us in which direction to go. Indeed, they don’t know any more than we do because they do not have their higher self guiding them. They are just as lost as we are – the blind leading the blind.

However, thanks to our old friends: meditation, prayer and by helping all life when asked, we can allow the higher self to take over the steering wheel and then we are acting as we should. We have the controlling hand turning the wheel and the sails propelling the ship in the right direction and we are on a safe course.

So that is the link between the higher self and the mind/brain which simply makes the body work. The guiding hand is the higher self.

Thanks Bob,
I apologize in advance if we need to go back and forth a bit until I get this through my thick skull.
I will slow it down a bit for my sake and use less info with our conversations so we can tackle each concept at a time.

So, the Higher Self controls the mind?
And the mind controls the brain?
Is this much correct?

Yes and no.

Higher self – mind – brain is how it is supposed to work. There are other elements that come into play, but basically, that is how it is supposed to work.

But with most people, the higher mind is kept at bay and it is just mind – brain that does the thinking.
As neither of these two parts can see the big picture, chaos ensues.

Mind and brain are designed just to obey orders from the higher mind. If they take over, they cannot see where to go so they just stumble through life.
But yes, the pecking order is: Higher self controls the mind and mind controls the brain.

Thanks Bob,

Now, is the “veil” between the brain and the mind or the mind and the higher self?

Also, is the mind one of our “bodies”?

I apologize again for needing to come back to these rudimentary questions but I know that it is critical to helping me understand all of the information that I have accumulated to date.

The veil is between the higher self and the mind.
The physical brain you already know what is.
The mind, my guides say, just “is”. It exists but is not an aura or anything. It is something else, a bit like a computer program that runs the operating system that we call a brain.

Actually, now I come to think of it, a computer is a good way of describing how we work.

You know more about computers than I but bear with me – I will keep it simple.
The brain is the processor.
The mind is the operating system – Bios.
The higher mind is the man tapping on the keys telling the computer what to do.
I know that the real system of a computer is much more complicated than that but so are we.
Now, if just the processor and the operating system work more or less randomly, you can imagine that you would get nonsense on the screen. It is not until someone starts tapping on the keyboard that it all works correctly.

We humans are like that.

With most people, it is just the operating system and the processor that work, and the chaos that we see all around us is the result.
However, the higher mind needs to be contacted before it will take control otherwise it is out on a coffee break all the time.

The way to contact the higher mind is through meditation, prayer and helping all life.

Then we open a door into where the higher mind is and it comes in and takes control.
This bit takes some time which is why we need to meditate for quite a while until the higher mind takes over. It is an ongoing process with all of us.

This helps immensely, and if I haven’t said it, I am very grateful for you helping me to understand these very basic concepts. I hope not to be a pain to you by asking you to go to this basic level.

So, the reality is that the Higher Self is supposed to be directly controlling us (or influencing us), but our minds and brains “think” they can handle the job on their own… very interesting…

To me, the brain and the mind can and will act independently and have all the abilities to operate our bodies, but, the problem exists that our Higher Self is really the one who should be in control of our decisions and may (hopefully) eventually get control back, if we wake up and come to realize that if we work with our Higher Self all will be as it should be… a very basic concept I am sure and one I’m sure you have said before, but I am trying to re-straighten myself after doing a lot of research and get myself squarely on the right path.

The computer is a good analogy for me. I also see that the processor / hardware and operating system merrily go second by second executing out their pre-programmed life and taking care of the tasks that they should be doing to maintain themselves but they won’t get to what they were designed to do unless there is someone adding in information to the computer to help it.

Personal computers weren’t designed and built to just run their programs that they came with, they were designed and built to serve others.

Just flushing things out of my mind.

Ultimately I am doing this so that I will be able to understand how the Higher Self is communicating with me and that I will, over time, be able to recognize when it is communicating with me and to act on that communication.

I just watched one of your earlier videos on speaking with Guides.

Does the Higher Self speak to us through telepathy or by other means? I seem to remember that the Higher Self does not speak directly to us through telepathy but through our instincts or our intuition.

As an example of when I think my Higher Self was communicating with me, was when I thought about whether or not I should help you with the Stairway To Freedom book. I kind of cast the idea into my mind and very quickly I felt that it was the right thing to do. To be honest with you it was the easiest decision that I ever remember having to make.

Is this a way that the Higher Self communicates to us and is it the only way?

Generally speaking, yes.

You get an idea and, all of a sudden, you “know” if it is the right thing to do or not. That is the Higher Self.
However, you must be careful with this concept because the brain and mind, which for most of your life has been running the computer, does not give up easily.

This is where meditation comes in.

The more we do that, the more that our we make a link to the higher self, also called the higher mind. There is not room for both the higher mind and the brain/mind, so we have to try to push the brain/mind out and replace it with the higher self.

The brain/mind is connected to ego, just as parts of a computer are connected to other parts.
Ego is a safety mechanism – a program, a sort of anti-virus, if you like – designed to protect us from attacks of all sorts, both physical and psychological. At its basic level, it manifests itself as fight or flight. In a psychological sense, it acts as defence of people attacking us verbally.
If taken on unchecked, it makes people like politicians, convinced that their half-baked theories are good. They stomp about at election times, trying to convince us to vote for them – unbridled ego.
So, through meditation, ego diminishes, replaced by acceptance for all.
And so, it goes on.
Eventually, with a bit of luck and much meditation and service to God, the higher self can guide us permanently. Then we are at the stage that Jesus, Buddha and so on are.

It is a long process but, every journey starts with the first step. Every step you take can and will allow that connection to the higher self grow stronger.

The higher self can actually speak to us but it has happened to me just once in my lifetime.
Otherwise, it nudges us in the right direction. The more we make the connection, the more we can sense these nudges, until we do not hesitate. We know what we have to do.

Please don’t apologize for asking me to help you.
The Great White Brotherhood are helping me all the time so if I can pass some of their wisdom onto you, who help them, it is a fair exchange. It is also the duty of all of us just as, one day, you will pass this information onto others.

Thank you Bob, it will be an honour to one day pass this information onto others.

This then leads me to believe that the mind and brain cannot create reality because if it could, then everyone would be living like Kings & Queens in mansions. Or whatever their vision of abundance is.

This assumes that we would be living without any knowledge of the spirit world or our Higher Self. Like I was about a year ago.
Is this true?

If you think about it, living like kings and queens would not work. If you were king and your companion, if you have one, was queen, and all the rest of us were there to serve you, that will work.
But, if everyone on the surface of planet Earth considered themselves kings and queens, what would that give?
We would all want to sit on our thrones, being waited on hand and foot but, unfortunately, no king is going to create you a throne – nor a palace.
No queen is going to cook you a meal because they would all be waiting for someone to come and serve them.
And, as everyone in the world would consider themselves kings or queens, there would be no one to make you a throne, no one to grow food. We would all be sitting around on the grass wondering why there was no shelter, no food.

This is where the life plan and the need to serve all people in the way that was planned for us comes in. If someone requires a throne, then a skilled carpenter will make him one. If someone requires a meal, someone will cook it. We all work as a team helping each other.
Obviously, the evil ones quickly sussed this and invented slavery, serfdom, money and so on to oblige us to serve them.

But these are life lessons to teach us that we have two choices. Either to serve and resent it or to serve, knowing that we are actually serving ourselves, even if we have to wait until our incarnation is over in order to reap the rewards of our willing service.

This is where we have two separate universes.
One person making a magnificent, gold covered throne for a king and resenting every swing of his hammer and a person next to him making a similar throne but putting every ounce of talent and skill into it for the pleasure of creating a wonderful object that will be admired for many hundreds of years. The same object but separated by intention.

So, do the brain and mind create our reality. I would postulate yes.

I understand and agree with what you said.

Now, I believe that this is a very important question and one that would help many people break through and wake up if they knew just how their reality was created.
Because when people (like me) hear or read the statement that “we create our own reality”, I will believe that I can do anything I want and create it myself. But, of course I know that is not possible as my life would already be different.
This is why there is a whole industry of people out there feeding off of this, giving people false hope that they can create their own reality by thinking positive and other nonsense only to see that less than 2% of people ever succeed.

Some people have obviously figured it out.

Those are the people like you said, are happy with what they do and do it with love, compassion and pleasure. The question is, are they guided by their Higher Self.

So, I go back to my question, does the brain and mind create our reality or is it created for us before we have become aware that there is more than our body and brain.
Or is it the combination of body, brain, mind, Higher Self, Directors Of Life, and so on.

I realised that you were speaking figuratively about kings and queens. However, I jumped on it because it gave me an opportunity to debunk so many people’s ideas about living a perfect, idle life – that ain’t ever going to happen.

However, let’s get back to the concept of changing our reality.
There is a big problem that I need to address. We humans are God! What that means is that we have infinite power, infinite control, infinite creativity – if we choose to exercise it.
So, in theory, if anyone develops that power to its maximum, there would be no limit to what he could do and to what he could have and achieve.
However, one would hope that, by the time that someone got to that level, he would realise that he should only use that power to help other, not himself.

To try to answer your question.
I have met a number of very ordinary, down to Earth people, who are very kind, very gentle, very giving, very loving.
I am convinced that these people, who have absolutely no knowledge of esoteric things are, nevertheless, being guided by their higher self.
Of course, to balance this, there are a number of people being guided by their lower mind.

You have, in these discussions, given me great cause for thought about how I am going to present the concept of creating one’s own reality.

It is very frustrating because I know from personal experience, that I can create my reality quite easily and I do – providing I do not harm anyone else. This might sound big headed but it is just the result of many years of meditation. I don’t mean to sound superior.

I could give many examples but, if I may, I will give just one that happened a number of years ago, although I do it all the time. I will tell it because I thought it amusing.

Now, my guides told me to buy a house – back in the 1980’s – and open it as a spiritual centre.
Now, we were living in what is known in England as council accommodation, as poor as church mice.
I selected a magnificent, historical monument in London. I had not a red cent.
I went to a building society – they are people who lend you money to buy houses. Without hesitation the manager approved my request and I owned the house.

This is the funny bit. I needed money to decorate the house.
I went to my bank – where I had almost nothing in my account, and the manager lent me a lot of money to decorate the interior with the most beautiful wallpaper, the most expensive paint, I could find.

Then, one day, during my summer holidays, the bank manager sent me a letter, summonsing me to visit the building society, asking for a letter to be sent to the bank confirming, or not, that I was up to date with my repayments for the house.
In fact, I was several months behind and, as I was on holiday, I never went near the building society. I was a bit scared to face the building society manager.
Then a few days later, I was summoned to the bank to see the manager.
I went into his office and sat down.
The bank manager reached across his desk, picked up a piece of paper and said, “I have received a letter from the building society saying that you are up to date with your payments and that they are totally satisfied with you.”
You could have knocked me down with a feather.
I swear that I never went near the building society, I was several months behind with my repayments and that I had no idea where that letter came from.

I tell you this story so that you can understand, I hope, that if we work for God, miracles can happen.

This is the problem that I have about explaining creating our own futures.

Through meditation and serving God, it can happen. For the average Joe, it’s more difficult.
I have hundreds of stories like this I could tell you.

By the way, eventually both the bank and the building society got repaid.

Thank you for sharing that story, that is quite amazing to think about.

I know it is possible to create our own reality, and I know that I am.
The thing to remember here is that, until recently, I had no knowledge of what I know now. I was simply living through my mind and body, thinking that God was not real and life was nothing but fate.
Which is another reason why I believed that our bodies / brains / minds don’t truly create our reality.

I understand that we are from God, therefore we are God, but is the human body/brain truly able to act like a God on its own or is it like a tree that can only do what it is programmed to do and it can’t learn to manipulate it’s reality unless there is a higher self that can teach it how.

What I am getting at is that, is the human body not just a chemical/physical/electrical thing that acts out commands and the Higher Self is truly the entity that can manipulate us and reality to create what ever is wanted or needed?

Follow your highest joy, it actually works and will, in time guide us to do the thing that we are meant to be doing.

A key message that is coming through for me from you is patience… all of this is going to take time and dedication.

Aside from the difficulty in meditation, patience is likely the other biggest challenge!

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