The Journey Of Self Realization

This message is being shared because there is truth in what is written and was encouraged by Bob Sanders to share it at the time but was not shared because of uncertainty on behalf of me – Guy – the writer in late 2016.

This message has not been reviewed by the Great White Brotherhood nor endorsed by them, but having reviewed it again many years later from knowledge gained from the information received from the GWB through Bob and Bob’s encouragement back then, I feel confident that much of it would be acceptable by the GWB but please use your own discernment and do not accept all of the information as factual.

This was a process of purging thoughts and understanding at that time and only the Stairway To Freedom book and a handful of lessons had been published at that time.

I hope that you gain something from this message and can use it as a bridge to understanding some of the more complex messages of the GWB or even as an alternative point of view.

Hello Bob,

Ok, I was going to wait until later to disclose my root cause analysis, but there does not seem to be a reason to wait, after further consideration, because all I find myself to be doing is more justification of the root cause.

Also, this was meant to be a quick, to the point message, but because I felt that I needed to base some context around the one root, there became more context to support the original root.

So, here it is:

One’s journey is, of Self realization. Or, another way to look at it, of Self’s realization.

But don’t be fooled by those two simple words, Self realization.

That is only the root cause of everything that we are doing or discussing.
The journey itself is very exciting.
That is why there is a saying that, it is not the destination, it is the journey. That is because of the type of journey we are taking, once we get to the destination, we will know what it is, what the destination is, what the Self is.

Everything that we have been confused about, trying to figure out, discussing about, at its core, is the illusion of separation, in, perfect operation.

Our discussions will also be the process of trying to learn the lessons that we are destined to learn at every level of existence, every dimension of creation, and of the expanding consciousness of Self.

The operation of the design of the illusion is so layered, so perfect, and always in your face, that unless you continually step back from it, you can’t see that the illusion has you fooled, distracted.

The design of the illusions, the simulations, the layers upon layers of information and distractions, is to slow down the realization of Self, the true realization of Self, what Self is.
Not the realization that I am explaining right now, this is simply the realization that the Self exists, and that is all that exists, within the Self.

So, there is nothing wrong with discussing how all the things we watch from others who are trying to help us wake up, but, until you use the information we are given, with the fact that it is coming from our Self, and that the illusion is that these things come from something other than Self, you will be always missing the under lying root cause of everything we see and experience.
That, it is all an amazing simulated illusion to keep you separated from knowing of Self in some way, from some view point, some different perspective.
Also, so that you can learn and apply the lessons of the existence that you are experiencing, of the ever-expanding consciousness of the Self.

The Self is still expanding its consciousness.
More layers are being added as lessons, wrapped up in illusions and simulations.
Bread crumbs, leading us to always expand Self.

Now, I will take it one step further, what the Self is.

The Self is one, but is not.

And this is why:

Self is thinking about itself from different perspectives.
Different scenarios, what ifs.

It’s all very simple, it’s what you and I are doing right now, thinking about yourself, except that the Self has already been through more than one thought, and we, you and I, are more thoughts of Self.

The Self is everything, and because of that, if the Self tries to be one again, it returns to nothing, not thinking, not knowing it is.
I don’t know if it can do that, because it now knows it is, and is expanding, more and more rapidly. Truly the meaning behind “I Am”.

Somehow, some way, it became self aware, and from a very amazing process, we became aware, of me, of you and others, and now, we are becoming aware of our “Self” as being much more of our “self”. I wrote it that way on purpose, one written as “Self” and the other as “self”, meaning, the second “self”, you or I, as not complete, not one.

The journey of Self realization, that I cannot know right to the end, because if the Self returns to one… there will be no duality, no separation of identity from anything.
No realization of Self, and therefore, I would not know when I become Self, whole, one, complete, unidentifiable.

This cannot be conceived from our level, because we / I / you have been created as being not as one, we are not complete, we are but one part of our Self’s consciousness, personality, thought if you will.

This is the path you have mentioned, the path alone back to Self, God, whatever you want to call your Self.
You would need to realize everything, or better yet, combine everything into one.
Compress it so tightly that there is nothing.
No separation.
Which, really means that the Self, stops thinking about the separate thought, that is me, writing this message and I become one with all and I no longer exist as a separate thought, no identity.
Self, God, adds an ego to it’s thought, so the thought will not stop existing, won’t stop expanding, until that thought, me, can’t do anymore, can’t vibrate any higher, then it becomes a memory, mixed in and likely forgotten.
If the memory is remembered by Self, it will be Self’s memory, not my memory.
That is how it works, we, you and I eventually become a memory of God, of Self, and we no longer exist as me or you, only a memory of Self, of God.

So, should we consider this a challenge?
A game to peel back the layers and seek out to become the memory of our Self?

I don’t think we have any option but to play this game and the game keeps getting bigger and bigger as the Self expands its consciousness and we are very near the start position on the game board.
Near to where the original Self was born, the original thought.

Here is why we are near the start of the game board, because God, the Self, didn’t start at the top, the higher dimensions, the higher consciousness.
God, Self, started out of the lowest dimensions, out of seemingly nothing, and expanded it’s consciousness from the lowest dimensions, learning about what it is, growing, expanding, then having new thoughts, that go back to it’s beginnings, as far back as it could go before it can not know what it is and then a new existence starts, is created, born, and experiences everything, and God, Self, goes through the same process, over and over, again and again.

This is how new incarnations are realized, God, the Self, thinking back to it’s inception.
That’s it.
We believe that we are born, to make sure that it, we, stay as a separate thought, to experience.
As we experience, it is all added to God’s, Self’s memory and continues to create itself, building and building upon itself.
This is the great truth about Self that is misunderstood.
Self started from the lowest dimension, not the highest and then created the lower dimensions, and for every new thought God, the Self has, it goes back to it’s beginning consciousness.
So then, it seems that we came from the God Head, and we did, but that is why we seem to come from the lower dimensions, because that is were God, the Self, came from.
Simple, it is always simple.

So, we shouldn’t need to worry about going back there, back to the lowest dimension, the lowest level of consciousness, as we should be progressing towards further and further expansion of the one thought that created you or I, where we continue on God’s, Self’s, original thought of me or you.
If Self ever retuned to its lowest self, then we would not know it, as God, Self, would be finished with trying to think, to expand it’s consciousness, to ask the questions about it’s self.
It will seem to you and I, as never ending.

The inception, growth and birth of a baby is the perfect mirror, perfect analogy of the creation of God, of Self.
Before inception, there is no awareness of Self, during development of the fetus, there is no self awareness, you are part of the mother, then after birth, there becomes self awareness, slowly, you and I have come from the complete starting point of God, of Self, but we are not aware of it, until we learn about it.
It is an analogy of God’s, of Self’s creation, out of no awareness, to consciousness, to self awareness and then expansion.

Somewhere, something, is the original thought of God, of Self.

Described as the Infinite Creator, no beginning and no end?
I agree that there could be no end, but I don’t know if I agree there is no beginning… but, how was God, the Self created?
No beginning to Self, because there is always another self?
This is just pure thinking out loud and really is separate from this message but seemed worth mentioning.

I think that we can take our time, enjoy the game, try to visit, or be a part of every piece of the game board.
Experience it all, become more and more of a person, of Self.
Add, more and more to Self.

So, if you would like to play the game as fast as you can, then you must look at everything as a mask of separation, an illusion.

This is why in the Near Death Experience videos (NDE), the people asked the meaning of life to who they met in heaven, and they were told, but also told they would forget, now we know why they would forget, because if they knew, they would be able to play the game quicker, and possibly skip things.
All of them said that the part they were allowed to remember was love.
This is a message from Self, to love thy self, as part of Self and to love others as self, and as Self.

Well, consider that you just were handed a cheat card to the game, in order to understand the clues better, realize that 90% or more of them are meant to keep the illusion of separation in play.

Sorry, I can’t give you the cheat card to know how to see through the Matrix, the Veil, the illusion, the simulation and jump into the heaven level today, and stay there, that is not given to me.

I only have the “Get Out Of Jail” card in the game of life / monopoly…

So, what does this mean?

We no longer need to worry about the Illuminati, the Archons, the Evil people.
They are all a part of the simulation, the illusion, to try and trick us into staying in the simulation, really… to test us… but, we just rose above that, not that the experience of knowing about the Illuminati, even getting affected by it, won’t stop, it is a constant test, the machine of the illusion does not stop, it is us that must rise through the machine, but the machine is huge, and we are inside of it.

The machine has many levels, as Jesus said, my Father’s mansion has many rooms and we must work our way through the machine, through the maze, and as we do, the machine will always seem like we are separate from our Self.
Heaven is still a simulation, we will still seem separate from Self, we will be much happier, because all the darkness and stress of the Earth simulation will be removed, but we will still seem separate from each other.

This is the design of the multi-dimensional universes.
The design of God, of Self.
The big machine, the big illusion.

We are part of it, working our way through it, adding to Self.

Do not worry about bypassing any levels, that is not going to happen, the Self won’t let that happen, and it just can’t happen.
We get to play on each level, each dimension, it is just a matter of how much fun do you play through the level, the dimension.
How fast you increase your vibration and decrease your density, to rise to the top of the level, the dimension.
How fast do you become conscious through every dimension, that is the question.

Here’s one reason it is difficult for us to figure out the lessons, to understand who we are, every person is a new thought of Self, it is a separate thought and a new thought, sent to start from the very beginning of the Self’s awareness.
Since it (me, you) is a new and separate thought, it is meant to have a new and separate experience. So, that is why my experience is different from yours, but from time to time, God, Self, may decide to join, or share it’s thoughts, inside itself and that is when we have similar experiences, but you and I will always be separate thoughts, it’s very important for God, Self, to keep these thoughts separate, to have new experiences, to gain more knowledge and gain wisdom, to continue to create itself, bigger and bigger, the representation of this happening is of the universe growing and growing.

How fast do you learn, understand, adopt and accept the lessons of each level of the game board.
What are the lessons of each level of the game board, how fast do you implement each lesson of each level of the game board.

That is the clue to moving through the levels of the game as fast as possible and to make the game as fun as possible.
You can certainly go through the game slowly, by engaging in the illusion without seeking the lessons of each level.
By wallowing in the deceptions of each level.
We certainly know the deceptive part of this level, but what of the next level, it does not seem that there could be anything deceptive in heaven, right?
Well, there must be, I don’t know what it is, but we will learn.

Enjoy the game board, knowing that it is all, ALL, a simulation and once you find the path to Self, you will reach a point that you will no longer know that you are on the path, the game board, the path ends, the game board disappears and then there will be nothing because you will no longer be a separate thought, you will be forgotten by Self, as Self is onto the next thought, or is no longer thinking.
If Self recalls that thought from memory, then it is the thought, the memory of Self, not of the identity it once was.
The ID, the ego, the personality of the thought is gone.

When that will happen, I cannot say, as God, Self is ever expanding and if you, as thought, can continue to grow, to experience, to increase in vibration, then you will go on and on.

Wow, I think that you have hit the nail right on the head and you could well consider putting that on our site because you have the truth in those words.

Now, if I may, I would like to go back to what I was asked to make a video about.
My guides are always trying to help us make this jump to self realization – that we are all one and that one is God, but they often do it by making baby steps.
From what I remember of the information that I was given and told to make a video about, it was information that related to why we all feel separate.

What you have said will make an excellent video but, first, I think that we must go back and try to explain how and why this separateness works.
People will be able to realize the oneness of all life eventually but I feel obliged to try to explain the physics of the separateness first.
I am sure that there is a good reason why they want us to do this.

If you think about it, they explained the physics of space, of time, of the gap in time and the destruction of everything in order to alter the DNA of everything.
They did this for a reason to allow us to relate to the wonderful way that life works in a way that we Earthlings can relate to.

I feel that this next step – we all create our own realities – must also be important in their desire to let people understand the way life works.

Then, finally, we are able to tell people what you have just been given.


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