We should start off by saying that when embryo man is in the heavenly spheres, he observes a number of things.
At that point, he’s placed in the care of an Oversoul.
He observes the plains of beauty as well as the dismal areas.
He observes beings of light we call angels.
He’s taken on tours of all the various levels of what is called heaven and hell, and he’s put through an intensive training of so-called right and wrong.
All this training is designed to help him form his personality that will guide him through his incarnation.
So, eventually, once his personality is formed and his life plan decided on, he prepares to incarnate. At this point, all that he experienced in the higher full dimension is placed in his higher self and removed from his physical memory. So, although a person is born with no memory of his life in heaven, all is stored in his higher self and could be retrieved if he took the trouble to contact his higher self.
This has been the process that all humanity has followed since man first appeared on Earth. So early caveman was born with a lot of esoteric information stored in his higher self.
Although caveman was primitive in physical terms, his spiritual aspects were often much more advanced.
Now, through various means, the use of DMT type drugs, Ayahuasca, cocaine, mushrooms, etc., some early people were able to glimpse into their higher self and were able to relive moments of beauty they experienced before incarnating.
These are sometimes reflected in early cave paintings, where the artist painted scenes from everyday life, mixed with esoteric subjects, which has raised question by paleontologists for many years.
So, early man, early caveman, eventually combined his daily life with his pre-incarnation memories and started the concept of creating the forms of gods, either in stone or painted.
They also created taboos and sacred areas and eventually, primitive forms of ceremony, where they would dress up and dance, etcetera.
This is still carried on in remote areas to this day.
The object is to try to reenact the scenes that they observed in the heavenly spheres.
We could say that this was the beginning of religion.
However, we understand the import of the question, which is to try to trace modern religion to its conception.
We must always remember, that all memory of what we experienced before incarnating remains in the higher self, and there have always been individuals and groups who have been able to make some form of contact with their higher self and thus draw into their memories, aspects of that life.
But as none could remain permanently linked to his higher self, only snatches of memory were recuperated.
Now, we’re not trying to avoid the question.
It depends on what religion we consider.
Buddhism for instance, has a totally different origin to Christianity and although there are groups that try to draw Buddhism and Christianity together, they were and are totally separate religions.
Even their manner of considering God, the base of all religions is not the same.
To try and answer the question, we need to select a religion, as there are numbers of different religion.
We need to select one and see where that takes us.
So, let us choose Christianity and follow that back to its origin.
So, we pick up our Bible, and when having read it, we notice that it consists of two separate versions of Christianity, known as the Old and the New Testaments.
In a way, one is the mirror image of the other because the Old Testament describes a vengeful, jealous God that one must always fear, and the New Testament describes a loving God, here to help us with the aid of various saints and angels.
This should obviously cause us to scratch our heads somewhat.
How can we have two gods?
One, a psychopath god and one, a beautiful loving entity.
Unless God has a split personality, this suggests two different sources of information that have been cobbled together to create one book.
Now we spent a good deal of time skirting around the edges of the question because the truth of the matter is that there is not one answer to the question.
It would be convenient if we could trace all religions back to a common source, but, unfortunately, life is seldom as easy as that.
So, we have limited our research to one religion, Christianity, and now we have to decide which of the two versions of Christianity we wish to investigate because they clearly are based on opposing concepts, love and hate, or rather to put them in the order the Bible places them, hate and love.
The New Testament purports to reflect the life of Jesus.
Jesus was and is a real person, and he’s still very much alive and doing his best to help us who are incarnate.
We do not wish to speak for Jesus, but his views are known to us, and we can say that he is bitterly disappointed in the manner in which his message has been distorted over time.
He considered himself, and still does, to be a humble servant of God, spreading the word of God to the people of his day and of the of his area where he lived.
He never wanted this myth to be created concerning him being the only son of God and of somehow having the keys to heaven.
In fact, if one studies early esoteric and religious teaching, the biblical stories concerning the birth, life, and crucifixion of Jesus can be traced back to periods long before the birth of Jesus.
If we can trace the origins of these early myths, it might give us a clue as to the beginnings of religions.
But, of course, we need first to decide what in the Bible concerning the life and times of Jesus is factual and what is myth and what is archon influenced.
Now it has been suggested that Gnostic teachings are the origins of religion.
Equally, the Nag Hammadi texts give us other clues, but we are sorry to say, there is no one text, no one belief that we can definitely say that modern religion is based on.
We spent several pages explaining that the life of an individual before incarnation can influence someone.
Then there are stories created around the campfires that come down to us.
Then there were certain people who claimed to be disciples of Jesus in order to become known, much as certain people make outlandish and false claims concerning areas of life and write books, give lectures, all based on falsehood.
So, the origin of modern religion can be found in this hodgepodge of disparate elements.
Virtually, all of it, unfortunately, is based on imagination, falsehood, and power struggles.
We consider it unfortunate that religions have such a stranglehold over so many simple people still and look forward to the day when they disappear through lack of followers.
Therefore, to close this long and fruitless search, we are sorry to say that we consider that there is no one origin of religions, but they’re coming together of separate elements.
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