Ascension is where we will get sorted and the good people will be bathed in this spiritual light and grow in holiness whereas the evil, Archon influenced people will be chased away.
As it says in the book, The Path Of Mankind, Ascension is not fully with us yet so we don’t have to worry about how we are going to deal will the evil ones.
The book clearly describes the way that this spiritual light will gradually change things.
I think also that the Law of One and Jesus’ teachings are pretty accurate in this regard.
So, there are two things being described by Ra and by Jesus that are also in the book.
1. Ascension and all its ramifications, as light floods the galaxy, drawing good to good people and problems to bad people, and;
2. The normal ascension process that happens naturally in heaven, as we rise through the spheres, from created to creator beings.
At least that was my understanding of what both Ra and the master Jesus were saying.
To me, thanks to the help of the Great White Brotherhood’s talks and writings, I think that I can see that harvest (From the Law Of One) implies this sorting that Jesus describes, finally discarding the Archons and the people they influence and the coming into God’s light of the good people.
Plus, the natural movement in heaven of people as they rise through the dimensions on the road to becoming Archangels.
It will all happen very slowly so there is no need to worry but just let it all unfold over time.
After all, apparently, it will take approximately 150,000 years to get to the highest point, so there is no need to panic just yet.
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