The Purpose Of An Incarnation On Earth | Dinosaurs

I asked the Great White Brotherhood your questions and I put below their answers, I hope they help somewhat.

You have a video stating that humans incarnated on Earth to help raise the energy from the Earth because the animals are not very good at that. They are not one for love, if I may paraphrase. So, if this was a true message from the GWB in the past, then was this the only reason that humans incarnated, or is there something more? Now that we know about the Archons from the GWB, I would believe there is more to the story.

The basic reason why humans incarnate is twofold.
1. To help raise energy back to the God force to replace the energy that it takes to create physicality.
2. To help those who incarnate to realise their connection to divine source.

Now, you have quite rightly noted that there are other parts to the story.
We have mentioned the Archons and the important, if negative, part they have played in permitting negativity to come to many aspects of life, physical and astral, to permit God to recharge his batteries, so to speak.

If only animals had been placed in physical form on Earth, they would not have had the spiritual awareness to put up any opposition to the Archon’s destructive force. Thus, the planet Earth would have long since been destroyed. Therefore man, albeit not very advanced spiritually, has been able to mitigate the worst effects of Archon negativity and thus life still exists on Earth.

Man has been able to act as a barrier between Archons and physicality.

We now know about the Archons, as mentioned above and that they want to destroy all positivity and turn everything positive upside down and negative. The GWB didn’t link anything from the Archons and human incarnations, so I am unsure how long the Archons have been ruining the Earth.
This may be an important question to ask the GWB, have the Archons been around since humans have incarnated, or before humans showed up on Earth. Also, if humans showed up after the Archons influenced Earth, is any part of an incarnation to Earth by humans because of the Archons? To counter act the negativity of the Archons? To help the animals against the Archons negativity? Or are human incarnations and Archon influence over the Earth not related in any way?

We have in large part, already answered these questions.
However, concerning the time scale.
Humanity has been here on Earth for many millions of years and animals even longer.
But the Archons have also existed for a great number of years but were confined to their etheric domain because angelic forces did not want them to have access to Earth before intelligent human life incarnated.
By coincidence, this arrival of what we might call “aware” man on Earth coincided with the pendulum swing into darkness that started, this time around, approximately three hundred thousand years ago.
So, we can say that the Archon influence has been allowed to grow and subside over that period of time and, by chance, man had developed an increasing level of human awareness for approximately the same amount of time.

If the human incarnation on Earth is related to the Archon rule over Earth, are humans incarnating to help keep the energies balanced on Earth? As I understand it, humans are as close to God as it gets with regard to being love, so I am wondering if human incarnation is meant to help bring love to Earth during the spiritual darkness to try and keep up some positive energy, even though it is like a suicide mission for humans since we can’t seem to wake up under this Archon misery and almost seem to add to the darkness on Earth. The poor animals likely wish we never came to their rescue… we were meant to come and help them and we end up having them over for supper! The problem is, they are on the menu!

When it states in the Bible that God gave man dominion over animals, it does not imply that man can use them to whatever ends he desires. The original meaning was to care and to love God’s creatures, not exploit them.

At the beginning of the Bible, it is clearly stated that a vegan way of life is required.

A thought just came to me, since the GWB are opening up with sharing information, would the GWB provide you a download on the dinosaurs and what that whole age was about and why they were all basically wiped out? I would be interested to get their take on that whole cycle of planet Earth.

The period of the dinosaurs lasted a great length of time during the early development of animal life on Earth.
It is not easy, even for us, to be precise over the dates of when they were introduced, why and when they died out.
We can only really go along with what science has surmised and mention seventy million years as a possible time frame.
Even we who live in the heavenly spheres have a limit to how far we can trawl back through Earth’s history with certainty.
So, we would need to speculate, which is not something that we like doing.
Equally, the traumatic event that caused the demise of the large dinosaurs is uncertain.

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