As the higher self is the God part of us and, therefore, omnipotent and omniscient, once we can connect with that, things change and us with it. As all “reality” is just a hologram, it can be molded at will to provide the scenario that we want.
However, this implies a number of things.
1. That we have made a firm contact with our higher self.
2. That we know what we want.
3. That we have the discipline not to ask for things that would be bad for other people.
4. That we have the discipline not to ask for things that would be bad for ourselves.
I have no doubt that I could go on with the list.
I have gradually realised, as the years pass, that the secret with life is never actually to ask for anything.
If I can give an example.
Did you ever, when you were a young child, say to yourself, ‘If only I had a red bicycle, I would be happy for the rest of my life?’
Well, if and when you got your red bicycle, you were happy for a while but, as time passed, your desires changed and then you went on to desire something else. Then something else, on and on.
Life is very much like that for many people.
People who manufacture and advertise for sale goods and articles of various sorts understand this, and so, we are bombarded with advertisements, pushing us to buy the next level of goods and to chuck away the old ones. The adverts always imply that true happiness can only be obtained if we buy that article: car, washing machine, new suit and so on.
Thus, we fill our homes with junk and we are still unhappy.
What we are actually after is not a new “something” but happiness and contentment.
The object of changing reality is to find happiness.
Obviously, some jobs suit us better than others. Some cars suit our needs more than others but, at the end of the day, happiness comes from within. One can be as poor as a church mouse and be happy. Equally, there are extremely rich people who are never happy.
The average person is on this endless merry-go-round working their tails off to buy junk that they don’t need, in this fruitless pursuit for happiness.
If we can allow our higher self to guide us, it will provide all that we need, when we need it, not before, not after.
That can free us to help people and find happiness through service to others which is service to God.
What I am really saying is, don’t create your own reality. Let your higher self do it for you, when it decides that you need to change.
Once again, it implies that we must have made contact with the higher self and have the confidence to allow that higher self run our lives, instead of trying to run it ourselves from the ego based brain/mind complex.
Changing our reality, for the better, can only be done by and through the higher self, doing it for us.
Certainly, we can make changes ourselves, but we could never predict the outcome if we allowed the brain/mind to make the change instead of the higher self.
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