There is a strange history to planet Earth that is unknown to the vast majority of people who lived in the past and who live today. Indeed, the majority of people who live in the spiritual realms are totally ignorant of what we are about to tell you. So, some of you may find it difficult to accept the strange tale that we are about to recount.
We are almost tempted to begin by saying, “Once upon a time,” so strange is this history but the phrase we just used usually starts a fairy tale but what we wish to tell you is fact – unknown to most people, but fact, nevertheless.
The planet Earth is considered to be about 4 billion years old. Ask yourself who decided this age? What criteria were used to calculate that age?
Students of the Bible may have come across statements calculated by “wise” people that planet Earth is only about 5 thousand years old, which gives some idea of the degree of intelligence of that group!
But whilst it is fairly easy to discount the concept of Earth being only 5 thousand years old, who amongst us can argue with a figure of 4 billion years as the age of planet Earth?
It is like so many statements concerning life, there is not and cannot be proof positive for many events and so it is possible to say almost anything and people are willing to believe these statements because of lack of hard evidence to the contrary.
We wish to say that, if one were to calculate the age of Earth in years, we would arrive at a figure of a great deal more than 4 billion years.
We wish also to say that, as time does not really exist, as we have mentioned countless times, the actual age of Earth and, indeed, the various other planets, etc., is of no importance.
It is the concept that planet Earth, and all the other things seen in the night sky, exist that is important, not their imagined age.
Perhaps we should just remind you all who read this essay that all is illusion, as we have explained.
But we do not wish to confuse those who are unfamiliar with that truth so we will assume that planet Earth, and all the other bodies in the sky do exist and have a certain age.
Why do we mention the age of Earth? The reason is that a long time ago, far longer than 4 billion years ago, a different form of life developed.
We are entering, here, a period of history that will only make sense to those who are familiar with information we gave to you in a book entitled “Auras, Interpretation, and Comprehension” in which we explained the origins of life in all the various dimensions and, to fully understand how life unfolded, it is necessary to be familiar with that book.
But, for those who have no knowledge of that information we will just say that life is quite complex and multi-dimensional and continue with our explanation of the task at hand – the strange events that occurred on Earth long ago.
So, we return to a period where life existed in astral form in the high dimensions, a time when planet Earth was formed but nothing that you would consider as life had yet been placed on Earth.
Now, it is important to have an understanding of life as was explained in the aforementioned book because we need to understand that life in astral sense does not have a dimension (in terms of size) attached to it.
It is important to be able to visualize life in astral sense in the following manner.
In the 8th and 7th and, eventually, the 6th dimension, copies of planet Earth were created.
We will ignore the 6th dimension for the moment and just concentrate on the 8th and 7th dimensions.
As we explained in the book “Auras”, life was originally created in an astral sense in the 8th and 7th dimensions.
Now, in the book we concentrated almost exclusively on human life forms and, for the sake of not cluttering the book with information not relevant to the main topic, largely ignored that many animal life forms were also created and placed on the 8th dimension alongside man.
Thus, in the 8th and then the 7th dimensions, were created an astral form of planet Earth and, also in astral form, many of the animals that, today, may be found on Earth plus, of course humans.
All of this creation was, and still is, in astral form which implies that none of it is in solid terrestrial fashion as you would know it to exist in your life.
Then, as we also explained in the book that we mentioned, a copy of planet Earth was created in the 6th dimension. This is why we suggested perusing the book on Auras before trying to comprehend this essay as we are sure you will find the above explanation somewhat confusing and, perhaps, incomprehensible.
All was carefully explained in the book Auras, as was an explanation as to why planet Earth was created in the 6th dimension – that of imagination – and not in the 3rd dimension as is generally supposed.
We also explained that the creation that you see as physical is actually a false reality created by imagination and just appears physical.
We repeat, that unless the reader of this essay has carefully read and digested the information contained in the aforementioned book on Auras, it is highly possible that he will not be able to understand how planet Earth can be purely imaginary and yet appear so real.
But, we must progress.
So, we have planet Earth and, indeed, all the galaxy potentially in the 6th dimension awaiting the moment that the Archangels, charged with trying to create a physical universe, place living beings on this Earth.
So, the Archangels decided to place life, other than plant and mineral life, on the planet’s surface.
This they did.
Now we come to the part of the story where it reads like a fairy tale.
The Archangels decided to put life – that is to say animals and humans – on this planet Earth that they had created in this imaginary astral world that looked physical. But all they had at their disposition were the materials that they had created with their imaginations. That is to say, earth, rocks, plants, and so forth.
Flesh had not yet been thought of.
So, first they created life in animal and human form from plant material.
They quickly realized that this was an error because plants have very limited ability to act in what we might call a physical form.
The Archangels were complete novices at creating physical forms although, of course, they were experts in manipulating the astral realms. They quickly discovered, to their surprise, that there is a vast difference between creating in the astral realms and in the physical realms, even though this physical Earth was, in fact, illusionary and was astral. But it needed to be treated as if it was physical and so the Archangels failed dismally when it came to creating solid, moving, thinking beings from plant material.
So, they dropped that concept and sat back and wondered what to do next.
In fact, they experimented somewhat and created another form of life from fungi that strongly resembled jelly as in jellyfish. This was a success in aquatic areas and encouraged the Archangels to ignore land and just create life in water. As the planet Earth is largely composed of water – seas, lakes, rivers, etc., it made sense to them to concentrate on creating life in water and of leaving the problem of land based creatures until a later date.
This construct of creatures and even man like beings made out of a sort of jelly worked quite well and the Archangels breathed a sigh of relief and thought that their problem had been solved.
They enlisted the help of the Directors of Life to create more advanced versions of animals with jelly based bodies and we still see the remnants of this experiment in some marine and aquatic creatures.
But, after a great period of time, it became obvious that life needed to conquer land as well as water.
So, with the help of the Directors of Life, a series of creatures and even man like beings were developed with the ability to breathe air instead of water and to crawl out of the seas and lakes to try to survive on dry land.
As you can imagine, this failed miserably as well. Life in water, where the creature is virtually weightless and the body has little stress put upon it to move is one thing. To expect the same creature to learn locomotion on dry land with gravity operating on the body plus the stress of heat and cold very quickly showed the limits of jelly types of body. So, once again this type of life form was abandoned.
The Archangels only had 2 elements left with which to construct living, moving entities: earth and stones (rocks). A moment’s thought eliminated earth and so rocks were pressed into service.
There were certain advantages with using rocks.
The first was that there was a limitless supply of rock of various sorts.
The second was that it was extremely durable.
Strange as this may seem, rock material which seems so hard and unmalleable to modern man, responds very well to certain types of microwaves and can be softened and moulded into whatever shape is required fairly easily.
We break off here to say that the ability to soften and mould rock was known to a number of civilizations up until fairly recent times.
There exists, in certain parts of planet Earth to this day, evidence of rocks that have been softened and molded. It was also quite easy for Archangels to manipulate the weight of rocks and, through vibrations, enable them to move.
As everything is vibration, and rocks, being crystalline in nature, tend to react to vibrations, they seemed a promising material with which to construct life forms.
So, many long years ago, long before life in flesh and blood form was created, the Archangels, in conjunction with the Directors of Life, created a form of living, and to a certain extent, thinking series of beings both animal and human in form.
But they created them from rock which was the only material left at the time from which they could create anything.
But the story is even more complicated than just creating life forms from rock.
The Archangels had no idea about size. Until the moment when they started to create things from plants, fungi, and eventually, rocks, the Archangels had never created in solid form creatures similar to the ones that had been made in astral realms.
In those realms size, as we know it to exist now, had no meaning.
Everything in the astral realms existed as thoughts.
So, the Archangels looked at the mountains that existed in the somewhat physical realm and decided to base the creatures on that sort of dimension.
Therefore, they created from rock, enormous – to our eyes – animals of all sorts (copies of animals that existed in the astral planes) and endowed these animals with the power to move and to think.
We must understand that not every type of animal and insect that exists in physical form on Earth today was created but a sufficient number were to create a population.
We will also say that these animals created from rock did not breath in the manner that we do today nor did they eat. Lastly, we must emphasize that they could not procreate and they had an infinite lifespan.
So, we ask you to imagine, if you can, a planet Earth with all the vegetable matter that you are accustomed to seeing, grasses, trees, etc., but also a number of huge animals wandering about on the surface of the Earth, made of rock.
This strange scenario lasted for a long time.
Eventually, of course, man (also in rock form) was introduced.
You would have to try to imagine that neither man nor the animals had any degree of intelligence as we understand it to be today.
These creatures were alive, able to move and that is about all one can say concerning them.
For anyone who questions how we can possibly know about these strange creatures we refer you to the Akashic Records where every event is stored. It is not easy to trawl back that far in the history of the Earth but some of us have done so and have been able to relive that strange time.
So, we are able to present to you this very bizarre series of events in Earth’s history.
You may, of course, accept or reject this story.
We now must take a giant leap into the future, to the time when the Archangels and the Directors of Life realized that there was no point in continuing to create beings of rock as these creatures could never evolve to be truly living, thinking aspects of the God force.
So, eventually, a new aspect was created. Life in flesh and blood was thought into being.
This was truly a massive progress and took a long time to make.
As you may be aware, a number of different types of humans were created and placed on Earth. Then were the beings you call Big Foot, giants, Neanderthal and eventually the humans that you belong to.
Many of these original creatures were very large, based somewhat on the size of the Rock humans. Giants, obviously spring to mind. But even Big Foot can be very large and Neanderthals were also large compared to modern humans.
Eventually, as these flesh and blood beings needed to eat, it was discovered that they consumed large amounts of food and so, when it came to creating Homo-Sapiens – you and us – it was decided to reduce the size in order to make it easier to survive without spending all the time hunting.
This reduction in size enabled modern man to spend time investigating other matters than just providing food for himself and his family.
But, to return to the stone creatures.
Once flesh and blood based beings were created, obviously the rock types were no longer required.
As with all beings incarnate, they have a spirit that animates the body.
Rock based creatures are no different. So, the Archangels simply removed the spirit and the rock bodies ceased to function.
Quite over what period of time this was accomplished, history does not tell us, but it was done.
Now, people today have noticed that there are a number of rock formations throughout the world that have a strange resemblance either to humans or to animals. These huge rocks have been damaged by weather over billions of years but the likeness to humans and to animals can still be discovered in many of the rock formations.
These rock shapes we have attempted to describe to you.
They are the result, today, of a life form created long ago by the Archangels charged by God to create living, thinking, moving, beings, copies of the life forms that existed in the astral realms.
As all this happened long before any flesh and blood life was created, all that remains are the few huge rock formations that resemble man or beast.
We do appreciate that this explanation reads like a figment of our imagination and, apart from the rock formations that remain to this day, can offer no proof as to the claims we make.
We have done our best to explain, in as logical a fashion as possible, the early history of Earth and we can only leave it in your hands to accept or reject this history.
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