When we lived in England, we were pushed by the Great White Brotherhood to buy a magnificent house – with zero money – as I may have explained, which we opened as a spiritual and healing center.
It was all for free.
We took in homeless and sick people – for free, although, eventually, what we were doing was recognized by the social services and they gave us some money to help run the center.
Eventually, it was time to move on and so; to cut a long story short, we bought another house.
It was, and is, far too big for us so we decided to open it as a vegan/vegetarian Bed & Breakfast. More to give veggie people a safe haven on holiday than to make us rich!
In fact, we gave such good service, particularly with meals, that we really just about broke even. But our aim was to help people, which we did.
But it was wonderful.
We treated our guests as honored friends, and they responded.
I loved when the guest’s bought children and they compared the house to Hogwarts with all the paintings and so on we spread around the house – and the “magical” atmosphere.
Children are sensitive to that.
There was some magic in the house that kids recognized, and they couldn’t wait to come back from the beach or wherever they had spent the day and be back ‘home’ in our house with all that we gave them.
They would charge about the house, leaping up and down the staircases, in and out of the rooms, playing at being at Hogwarts.
Now, the house is not that big but, compared to where they lived, it looked enormous – you know what kids are like.
We loved every minute of it and played with the kids when we had time.
Me being Prof Dumbledore and my wife being Prof McGonagall.
You can’t imagine the effect that JK Rowling’s books had on kids in those days – and on me.
We charged a basic price per room and any food, no matter how much, any drinks, no matter what and anything else was free.
So, the kids would come back from a day out and have iced cold drinks waiting for them and the adults, coffee, tea, wine or whatever they wanted all for free.
Also, there would be snacks and so on.
We would sit down and discuss their day with the guests whilst getting evening meals ready for them.
They could eat and drink as much as they liked and each meal was a banquet – Hogwarts style, but as vegan as we could make it – never more than veggie with some cheese.
It was our pleasure to make life as perfect as we could for people.
It was truly a wonderful experience.
I can see now, an outside area, in the evening setting sun, several people (strangers) discussing spiritual matters, sipping wine at our expense – no matter – and learning from each other. Bouncing ideas off each other.
That was our task and it worked.
It was pure magic and if, at the end of each long day, we collapsed into bed exhausted it was worth it.
But when the crises came in 2008, people could no longer afford to go on holiday and so it all stopped.
We stopped also.
But we have dear memories, and we still have people who contact us that have stayed in touch after all this time.
It was a magical time that we look back on with fond memories:
- The Spanish family who had a dying boy that we helped to save.
- The couple with marital problems that we saved.
- The family, with several children, who found that their booking had been taken by another family, and they were stranded in Spain with nowhere to go that we took in.
On and on.
All sorts of people, with all sorts of problems that we were there to help.
That was our job.
You would be surprised the number of people who have problems and nowhere to turn.
We were there, just like Hogwarts that helped Harry Potter, and others, find their destiny, to help these people with their problems.
But now, destiny has pushed us into this new and wonderful future, publishing spirituality and so on.
What we did in England was a step. What we did with the B&B was another step. What we are doing now is yet another step.
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