The Way Life Works

I thought that I question about parallel realities.

I watched a video where it was stated that although there are billions of frames available for us to “view”, in truth, we are only viewing a small portion of them in “series” unless we “increase” our vibration to be able to view more frames at the same time.
This has me thinking that we view many frames at the same time which creates our reality and as our frequency increases or decreases we see more or less of the frames together which creates our reality.
This goes with stating that everything already exists right “here”, right now, but we cannot see it all because we are not vibrating at the right frequency to see it all.
That everything that we could experience has already happened, been created, and already exists.
This, to me, would help to understand that although there are billions of frames created, our frequency only allows us to see the frames that we are a match to.

Very interesting concept which is a bit of a conflict to the way the GWB described it to you.
From my interpretation, and I may have it wrong, the GWB message makes it seem like we travel through billions of frames in series, one at a time, and we travel through all of them in series in a second.

Now what I didn’t pick up from this video, but think I overheard from another video another day, was that the “frames” were created and destroyed each second. I may have mistaken how its was said or intended to be said but I’m pretty sure I heard the words created and destroyed.

So, this is a very mind expanding discussion, and one that I am enjoying very much, but I am having a hard time pulling it all together with some seemingly conflicting information.

I think the video is only a part of the reality which we are starting to uncover.

We can now accept, I hope, that reality is a series of still frames of time, but we have started to go a bit beyond that with our discussion that we all have our own, unique, series of still frames, and so on.
The still frames of reality that you experience and the still frames of reality that I experience are totally different and only coincide when we, you and I, agree to join together in thought.
At the moment, you and I, as we are investigating this reality, are joining in thought – in consciousness – and so are able to make these agreements of what we can accept.
So, we advance together and, by synchronicity, we discover things that confirm our knowledge. You through some videos and me through my guides. It comes to the same thing – universal consciousness.

As we rise in spirituality, the “bubble” that we travel about in, watching the screen that I mentioned in a previous email, instead of seeing just one frame, we can call out of the memory in which everything is stored, an ever increasing number of frames and can, eventually, act to move about in the film. Still one frame at a time but fast forward to a more interesting point in the film.

I mentioned watching a video in Vegas Movie Maker.
Normally, we watch just one frame of the video at a time which we think of as “now”. But, when we know how to push the buttons on the program, we can fast forward to a different part of the film or move backwards to a previous part of the film. Then we watch the part that we have selected, which will also become our “now”.
So, when we can see reality as this film of our life, we can select which part we want to watch.
Further, as it is us making the film, if we don’t like the film we are making, we can create a different version of it and watch that.
However, it can only be done when we have risen to the point that we are not only a viewer watching the film but have risen to the level of a filmmaker – like Steven Spielberg – and can make a film.
Then we can create the film we want and watch that one, which becomes our “parallel reality”.
In a way, the old film will still exist but will be stored in a memory and we will watch the new film unfolding.

I think that I misunderstood the part about not perceiving all the frames in the “second”.

Now I am confused, my first interpretation was that all the billions of frames all exist but we can only see some of them depending on our vibration and that we would see all the frames at same time, that we could perceive, perhaps overlapping one another to create a different image, instead of looking through the frames one at a time in a second. Now I think that we look at the frames one at a time, but I’m not sure.
But the frames are viewed billions of times a second, but also stated later on in the video, that we would only perceive those frames which we are a match to.

Now, I don’t know if what was meant was that we view less frames than the totality of creation, or that out of the billions of frames created each second, that we can only perceive those frames that we are a match to in frequency and that may be less that the billions of frames that exist because all that exists already exists in that moment of now.

Could you let me know if I understood that correctly, that we don’t get to see all the billions of frames because we aren’t a match vibrationally?

I don’t know the full context of the video that you watched, so I will explain it all as I see it.

From what I understand from the video you watched, projectionist can view the whole film and, effectively move backwards or forwards in time. Imagine you had the roll of film in your hands and could unroll it either backwards or forwards. Frame after frame, either in the past or in the future.

Now, what was not stated in the video, because people would not understand yet, is that the projectionist can only see one frame at a time. But, if he projects the film, it advances or goes backwards at such a speed that it looks like continuous movement.
We can do this if we use a program like Vegas Movie Maker. We can look backwards or forwards at a video that we have put into the program, either frame by frame or press “play” and watch the film unroll in a continuous fashion.
In fact, our eyes still see the video one frame at a time but it all gets “blurred” so it looks like a continuous motion. It is an illusion.

Now, it is further complicated by the fact that each person that has ever lived, is living or will live has their own film, in their own projector.
If we just consider people alive at the moment, it is as if we are all walking about with a camera strapped to our heads constantly filming things all day and all night long. Further, we are not looking at what we are filming, we are looking at a screen which is portraying what the camera is filming, frame after frame, snapshot after snapshot, passing at such speed that it looks like continuous movement.

However, the Directors of Life, like to keep things simple so, as you are filming your life, you are actually only filming a single snapshot. You are filming an endless series of single snapshots as you walk about doing what you do and all the previous snapshots are “erased” in a way. In fact, they are not totally erased, they are placed in storage – the Akashic Record – and you just see the one frame that is before you at this moment.
That is what is happening in Vegas Movie maker.
You see one frame after another but all the previous or later frames are stored in a memory chip and you are actually watching the program projecting one frame at a time.
When you press play, you see these single snapshots so quickly that it looks like motion.
But it is all just a series of single snapshots.
This is part of the grand illusion of life.

You are actually looking at just one frame.
The rest, those that you have already seen, or are a bit earlier in the video, or are yet to be viewed, do not actually exist in the film you are watching. They are stored in a memory and the “projector” brings them out as required.
That is why, if you have a video that lasts 10 minutes, for instance, you can start at the beginning or start in the middle or start at the very end. All the images that you ask for come out of the memory and you can project them in the movie maker program.
In some movie makers, you can project them backwards. We also can do this and go backwards through time if we want.

Or we can go onto internet and watch someone else’s video. We could put it into our movie maker and watch it, one frame at a time, or watch it in continuous motion.

This is the way life works.
‘Life is complex but not complicated.’

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