Theosophical Society

One of the founders of the Theosophical Society was a lady called Mme Blavatsky, who was a somewhat strange personality but she was an excellent medium and had the gifts of the spirit highly developed.
She formed a team of like minded people who were also fairly rich, which enabled her to produce information in printed form and organise meetings in London whilst having a centre in India.
The Great White Brotherhood (GWB) are willing to work with any person or group of like minded people and so there was and is an exchange of information between us and some members of the Theosophical Society.

It was mentioned that two of our members (GWB), suggested setting up the Theosophical Society but we do not work as individuals.  Any exchange of ideas and information is always done in a group manner, approved by all.  Should any one, or more than one member of the GWB not be in agreement concerning any subject, discussions take place until a compromise is reached.  Any disagreement concerning our objectives is rare however, after all the long years that the GWB has existed, so we do not have that problem very often.
But it must be stated that any action taken to set up the Theosophical Society would have been agreed by all and not by any individuals.
So, we would say that before the Theosophical Society existed, contact had been made with the GWB and, at some stage, we suggested forming a group which, as people started to join, a name was chosen, Theosophical Society, and branched off on its own path of spiritual development whilst certain founder members retained a link with the GWB.

With time, the founder members have now passed into the spirit world and the existing and current directors have tended to branch out in a different direction to our aims.  Thus, although we retain a direct connection with certain individual members, we do not retain any links to the governing body of the Theosophical Society.
We do not criticize this governing body but, like so many organisations, financial considerations colour decisions, which is not something we approve of.
Wisdom, in our view, being freely given by God, should freely be given to the public.
But, certainly, the original aims of the Theosophical Society met with our approval and we worked closely with the founding members.
Control of the Theosophical Society has now passed into other hands and have drifted away from our aims and objectives.

If you don’t know anything about the Theosophical Society, you can go to Wikipedia and get an overview. It was formed in about 1870.
It started off well, but like all things, turned to vinegar once money and profit crept in. Shame really.
A lot of their teachings were very complicated to understand but Charles Leadbeater (pronounced Ledbetter) wrote a number of excellent, if written in rather stiff Victorian language, books, as he was an excellent psychic and could see nature spirits clearly, in colour, etc.

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