There Is Only Now

Hi Bob,

I took a little time to be still and let things come to me.
I believe that helped me bring some more clarity to the now concept or the concept of now.
As I thought earlier, it has been words and other concepts tripping me up.
I don’t have a full grasp of it yet but I think it was my understanding of words and concepts that were troubling me.
What I realized was that I am over thinking it.

There is only now.

That should be easy to understand. It is when I over think that it causes issues.
But, the problem is that we keep thinking that there is some future that exists after now, but there is only now.
It’s really just a trip on words and what those words mean to us.
The concept of the past is still tough to shake because I feel that I experienced the past.
The concept of now is easier to visualize with thinking about the concept of the future, because I have not yet experienced a different now.

So, visualizing a version of now, that I have not experienced, or a different viewpoint of the now, is easy to relate to a concept called the future, if you believe that different now’s exist, and it’s just a matter of changing the view point of now.

So, in that way, for me at least. it easier to understand the concept of the future.

If that same process can be applied to the concept of the past, then that is ok, I just haven’t connected the dots.
Perhaps, the past is always now, is because it always exists now… in my memory. But I did experience a previous now and kept a memory of it.

Is that a good way of thinking about the now?

Reply from Bob:

The concepts that I and others talk about cannot be understood intellectually. They can only be understood spiritually and that can only happen when we have inflated our auras through meditation.
So, you are not going to fully understand these concepts just yet.

My advice is to stop bashing your head against a brick wall, trying to grasp these ideas.
Let them come to you slowly, in their own time.
It will probably take several months until you have that “aha” moment.
You will understand one day but you can’t force it.


So, are you saying that I am completely wrong in my thinking of the concepts of the past and the future?


No, I am not saying that.

I was changing the subject somewhat and giving you a warning from personal experience, that it takes a long time to get to the bottom of all this and also to be careful to do it all in baby steps.

I think that we must go through a number of scenarios of what is and what is not before we find a truth.

Also, I am aware, that all possibilities exist in these parallel universes so, you may be right or I may be right or we might both be right, if you see what I mean.

I think that what you are saying is correct.
But I am also aware that we must be careful with these “truths” because there may be a vast number of variations of these things that we discuss, so I feel that it might not be a good idea to be too dogmatic that we have found the total answer.

I wish life was that simple.

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