When we have the moment of creation, the whole of creation, from the very beginning is remade. Then it goes and there is nothing.
At that moment, nothing at all exists.
Then creation is remade from the very beginning, but the secret is that time moves on slightly and this remade concept is slightly longer because we still have the beginning but the ‘now’ moment has moved on a bit.
Then it is remade from ‘now’ backward to the very beginning but the ‘now’ moment is a bit further along in ‘time’.
But time does not exist so we only have this ‘now’ moment stretching back to the beginning again.
So, we have endless moments of time, starting from each new ‘now’ back to the beginning of creation.
All of creation is remade, including all the minerals, plants, animals, and humans, with all that they lived, all that they experienced, starting from each new ‘now’ moment, back to the very beginning.
All in a tiny, miniscule fraction of a second.
Quite a feat!
In the meantime, any of the previous flashes of creation that were created are destroyed and no longer exist.
There is ever only one moment of creation recorded in the Akashic Records and that is the one that is happening now.
So, you have now and nothing. Now and nothing.
Endlessly going on and each now moment starts from the latest ‘now’ and goes back to the very beginning of creation.
Then it is gone and is replaced with a new ‘now’ moment stretching back to the beginning of creation.
Then it is gone again.
As, once all is destroyed, time does not exist, the pause between creation cannot be measured.
It is meaningless.
Then it is all created afresh, starting with the latest now moment.
Your statement that there is only one moment of creation recorded in the Akashic Records is a very interesting one. I had not thought of it that way and I am very happy you stated it that way.
From that, I can then begin to think about how Remote Viewer’s “look” back or forward in “time”.
It is amazing to consider that all of creation that has ever existed is created at once and is all there to observe.
The fact that we exist in this moment of now and that each version of now is slightly different makes sense to allow the illusion of movement and time.
What’s even more amazing is that an RVer, or anyone that can visualize well enough, can “move” their consciousness through the constant recreation of creation into different parts of it to remember the past or to RV the future.
That is just simply amazing when you think about creation from that perspective that nothing is moving and it is just a static moment that changes to create the illusion of movement and linear time.
I didn’t mention the future, but in a way that I could not describe, apparently this ‘now’ moment also contains the future to a certain extent.
That does not make sense because if there is only the ‘now’ stretching back to the beginning of creation, ‘now’ cannot contain the future.
But, the Great White Brotherhood has said that the future also exists and if we lived in the future, our ‘now’ moment would be in our future.
So, I suppose that ‘now’ is flexible and also contains the ‘now’ of people in the future.
That I can understand.
So, I presume that ‘now’ depends on where you live in time.
My now would not be the same as now for a person in the future.
Thus, it must be a personal thing or, at least, our ‘now’ would not be the same for people living in our past nor in our future.
So, ‘now’ would depend on where we are in time, in a personal sense.
It is a bit mind-blowing.
‘Now’ depends on where we find ourselves in time.
But time is an illusion and we are all living in one space/time event.
How can we work that out?
Neither the past nor the future exists – only now.
At the same time, it seems that ‘now’ is flexible.
It should be possible for us to move to the past or the future and visualize what went on at that time.
If all is one and the past, the present and the future are all happening now, it would just take our ability to manipulate frequencies to transfer ourselves into the past or the future.
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