I just finished watching a video (in July of 2020) and what I gathered from that video is that the so-called rulers of this planet fully believe that a change is going to happen soon to the planet and are preparing for it.
They think it could be a bad change and they are doing all they can to try and set-up a system – post apocalypse… seems eerily like what the Georgia Guidestones were meant for…
Now, these so-called rulers have known about this coming change for a long time. It is taught through the family bloodline and taught in their secret schools.
So, the difference seems to be that the so-called rulers see the upcoming changes as potentially dangerous, with all kinds of bad things happening. Ice age, mass migration, the sun doing bad things, volcanoes and terrible conditions.
The Great White Brotherhood are teaching us that the ascension is coming and that we will be in a period of peace and harmony.
Are the so-called rulers not aware of what is coming, or are trying to change the outcome?
You may remember us discussing the Georgia Guidestones (GGS) some time ago. I mentioned that evil people must tell us in advance what they are going to do, and although the information on the stones seemed crazy at the time, now we can see that it was an exact layout of their plans.
We now know that this thing that must not be named (the 2020 pandemic virus) was invented a while ago.
It had two objectives.
1. To reduce the population but, more importantly,
2. To reduce our freedoms and demoralize populations.
I think that we can expect more viruses in the future.
The rulers are scared because they know that ascension is a natural event and they cannot stop it so they are doing all they can to put the aims of the GGS into effect before it is too late.
They actually know that their time is over but they do not want to relinquish their hold on power.
WW1 and WW2 were part of their agenda as have been all the various wars since.
They never worked.
They never killed enough people and they did not demoralize the populations but they will fight until the bitter end.
The Harry Potter books laid it all out very well.
He who must not be named battled to the end but was finally vanquished.
These people will be vanquished. It is inevitable.
That is why I encouraged you to read the Harry Potter books.
I already knew that it outlined what is going on in the world.
So, don’t worry.
Things will get worse before they get better but we will win in the end.
The death stick will be rendered useless and you know who will die.
That all makes sense of course.
I am also wondering why they seem so convinced that an ice age of sorts is coming?
They predict mass migration as well.
Are they just looking at history as their guide or are they just trying to confuse the masses?
Mass migration, in Europe, has been going on for a long time and will happen in other places as well.
The ice age is nonsense.
The universe is warming up due to the increased spiritual frequency so, what our rulers mean by an ice age, beats me.
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