I would like to address, if I may, about whether I get the information accurately from the Great White Brotherhood because a point was raised, and, somebody called it truth with error. That, sometimes when I’m writing it all down, I may make a mistake.
And I thought, that was fair enough because I’ve never questioned it. I’ve been doing this for over 40 years now, and I’ve got so used to doing it that I don’t question whether what I’m getting is correct or not. So, I asked the Great White Brotherhood if they would tell me what sort of safeguards they’ve got to check whether what I’m putting down on paper is correct, is what they’re actually giving me.
Message from the GWB:
The question was raised as to the accuracy of our earthly instrument (Bob Sanders) to transcribe our communications with him into an exact meaning.
We wish you to understand that the process of transmitting the books we give you follows a long and complicated process, which we will attempt to describe.
All of the books and much other information we give you is contained in the Akashic Record. We take that information from there. Many of these books were written long ago. Truth does not alter with time, and some are in somewhat stilted language.
We will just say, that the wise people who wrote those books did not necessarily have English as a first language, but the Akashic record contains the information in such a manner that anyone can read them. So, we, that is to say, the person in the heavenly spheres who is in contact with the earthly spirit, having English as his first language, receives the information in English. He is aided and abetted by other wise members of the Great White Brotherhood to ensure that the old language is successfully and accurately brought into modern English.
From there, we attempt to place it into the mind of the earthly instrument.
In fact, it does not go directly into the mind, it passes through the higher self, then through imagination, and finally into the mind, and the brain instructs the hands to write the words down. Now you notice that we mentioned imagination. This is the area where distortion, alteration, or corruption of the information can take place.
Thus, the earthly instrument was trained to still that area that contains imagination so that the information passes directly through the imagination plane and exits in exactly the same form as when it arrived.
Blanking the imagination plane takes a lot of energy as does keeping that area blank for long hours as our instrument does his best to transcribe exactly what we transmit to him. If he becomes tired, if his mind wanders, the imagination plane can take the information we transmit and distort it.
We will just mention that the imagination plane is quite capable of creating fiction that is quite convincing, and there are a number of channelers that are fed information from their imagination plane that they are convinced is coming from a higher source. It is the quality of the message spoken that denotes truth from fiction.
So, we have put into place a number of fail-safe checks to ensure that the information written by in the Akashic Record is exactly what we transmitted to him.
The first and most useful tool is the Akashic Record.
As we have said, every thought, every word, every action taken by a person is instantly and accurately transmitted to the living library, the Akashic Record.
This means that as the scribe is writing, not only is our telepathic transmission recorded, but every word written is also faithfully recorded.
End of message from the GWB.
So, as you have read, the way that the GWB work is that the information transmitted to me (Bob) can be verified by reviewing my personal Akashic Record and confirmed as accurate, or in the case of an error, corrected.
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