Vatican Library

This is the Great White Brotherhoods response to an area under the Vatican where supposedly military soldiers were taken and was discussed many years ago (2018) on an internet show.

It is not an area that the public are aware of and most likely, many of the people of the Vatican nor government and military know about for safety and security purposes.

Here is their message:

We are aware of this area to which the soldiers were taken.

Obviously, it was not the library that the average person visits.
The library where the vast majority of the books are stored is rather like an advanced but conventional library.

However, with the aid of an “ET” group, this separate area was constructed to house exotic artifacts.
This huge and very bizarre looking area was constructed a long while ago.
The materials used were, and are, generally unknown to Earth people today.
Many of the artifacts stored there are also unknown to Earth humans.

Permission was given to store these artifacts deep beneath the Vatican because, over many generations, different artifacts were collected from around the world and were originally stored in the extensive sub areas (the basements).
However, it became obvious that many of these items were of great historical value and described not only ET visitations but described many different events in Earth’s history.
It was deemed important to construct an area where these items could be preserved permanently as a record for future generations.

So, a group of what you call ETs were contacted and they agreed to help construct what the soldiers observed.
The soldiers only saw a small part of this vast complex.

The race that assisted in the construction are those known as the “Tall Whites”, which are actually a race that live in caverns under the Earth and thus had the technology to construct this advanced underground area.

We should be very grateful to both the Tall Whites and also the Vatican officials of the time for constructing this area because, otherwise, many of the written documents would already have been lost to humanity.

We will also say that it is rare that any outsider is allowed to visit this area and, very possibly, permission from the Tall Whites had to be obtained by the US military before a visit was permitted.

To download this message, please click on the link below: