Waking Our Latent Talents

Don’t forget, that we are all the same so the abilities that the greatest medium has, you have also. The difference being, of course, that your abilities have not yet been brought into this reality.

This may well be a good thing because, that way, your abilities can be brought out in a controlled and correct fashion if you study the Great White Brotherhood information, properly and safely pray and meditate with visualization.
Most of us who consider ourselves psychic just developed haphazardly.
If you are trained by an expert guide, you are very lucky.

If you read the horrible experiences in the lesson on the website about Astral Projection, you will never have any of that if you properly and safely follow the guidance written by the GWB.
You will be taken on flights of fancy in a controlled fashion, guarded by guides so you will never come to any harm.

So, the way to look at your latent talents is exactly like a student at Hogwarts in the Harry Potter book series. Expert teachers educating you in a correct and controlled way.

Don’t envy people like me who were born with some of these gifts of the spirit already in place. I had to unlearn much of what I knew and start again under to tutelage of a guide, or more than one guide.

What is happening to you is that, through meditation, we strengthen our auras which is our connection to God.

When this happens, our God spirit, our higher self, is able to start to take over where ego used to be.
Ego diminishes and the God spirit strengthens in our mind.

So, where we used to react negatively to a situation, ego now being pushed out and God coming in, we just let the situation wash over us like water off a duck’s back.
Ego gets angry or scared (fight/flight) but God never gets angry or scared because God knows that everything is OK and there is nothing to get riled about.
God gives us peace and love.

So, what you are going through is actually you changing spiritually from an ordinary person to a more God like person.
A feeling of peace and understanding will strengthen as you advance in meditation.

That is why Jesus was called the prince of peace.

This will also enable you to approach your guide(s) as they are on the other end of those auras that you are strengthening, if you see what I mean.
So, you will be able to receive information more easily from them.
They will join their auras to yours and send information down their auras and then, when it joins your auras, if those auras are filled with spiritual power, the message can continue undiminished into your mind.

So, there is a double advantage in meditation.
1. It allows this feeling of peace and self assurance to develop and
2. It allows connection to your guide(s) to flow powerfully into your mind. Then, things can really start to kick off.

But your main teacher guide will decide how they will develop you so just allow them to guide you.
You may or may not notice any change immediately but, as you develop, so things will advance.

But please just keep calm and do not expect or hope for anything to change.
Just keep going, calmly, with your meditation and everything will develop in time.

So, enjoy the path and just let the path flow like a river to the sea.
Everything takes time and you are like a drop of water in that river.
You will reach the end of the journey one day but it takes time.
Also, like a river, you will go through different experiences.
Sometimes just flowing along.
Sometimes being thrown about in rapids.
Sometimes falling down a waterfall.
But the end is always in sight.
Your higher self and your guides will take you there so let them control the situation.
Just go with the flow, as the saying says.

You will find that the more you meditate, the quicker you can get into that meditative state.

It is said that the goal is to be permanently in that meditative state whilst, at the same time, carrying out your duties.
Splitting your mind in two.
I don’t know that I can do that but, to a certain extent, I can.
That is how I can instantly contact someone when I need the answer to a question, I am always in contact with the GWB.

It is a wonderful state and I am eternally grateful that God has allowed me to do this.
But it is not just coming from me.
The GWB play a part in always being available to answer questions.

We are entering a magical world as we develop.
I feel sorry for all those who do not believe that this is possible.
To live and operate in this 3D world and, at the same time, to be in contact with a higher plane is wonderful.
The only regret that I have is that I have not developed all of the gifts of the spirit. But I chose to develop telepathy and ignored some of the other, more practical gifts.
I have been able to make food appear out of thin air and to control people who are in danger and so on, but I can’t do it all the time. This is possible but I have never taken the trouble to really master those gifts. It is a regret that I have.

This feeling that you get when you meditate, apparently, it is possible to maintain that feeling all the time. But very few of us can do it while we are involved with the turmoil of physical life.

That wonderful feeling we get when we are deep in meditation is actually us, being connected to heaven. We are in heaven when we are in that state because heaven is not only a place but it is an attitude of mind.
So, we leave this world behind and enter heaven for a while.

I admire our teachers/guides because, so I understand, when they link with us, they can feel the low vibrations of our thoughts, our lives and our world.
It must be most disagreeable for them to do this and yet they do it all the time.
So, I take my hat off to them.

From what the person who talks to me said, he is not on the lowest rung of the spiritual ladder so it must be even more horrible to link with someone like me who is far from the saintly person that some people think I am.
You can’t find anyone more ordinary than me.

My only redeeming features are that I seem to fulfil the requirements of the GWB: Desire to help, command of telepathy, command of the English language.
Other than that, I am just an ordinary person.
But then, having my feet firmly on the ground might also be a redeeming feature.
Head in the clouds but feet on the ground.

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