Wanting To Go Home

I understand this feeling and longing about going home.

For those of us who can, those who have the capacity to help others, we came here to do a job.
Quite apart from looking after our family and quite apart from serving the community with the daytime jobs that we have, we must ease the burdens that the public have with our spiritual knowledge and compassion for them.

The thing is this.
We want our burden to be lifted by the angelic beings that have created Summerland.
I know that we create part of it ourselves but the feeling of welcome and love that we feel when we visit the spiritual planes, comes largely from the work that the angelic beings do to make us feel welcome.
We can leave our back packs of work and worry on the doorstep.
So, it is all a long chain of one set of people helping those below them, by spreading thoughts of love to them.
That is the ceaseless work of the higher beings.

Our job is to take over down here from where the higher beings stop in heaven.
We must spread the same feelings of love and welcome to the lost souls down here.
I get thanks from people every day for easing their burdens.
For the first time in their lives, they feel loved and not alone by the help that I give those people.
So that is why we are here.
To take over from the angels and spread the love and welcome to the people of Earth, just as we feel the love and welcome that we receive when we visit heaven in meditation.

You would be surprised of just how lonely, overburdened and lost many people are.
So, I try to welcome them into our spiritual family, by understanding their problems, suggesting ways of coping with these problems and making them feel part of our spiritual family.
They are not alone.
They have someone with whom they can share their problems and help ease their burdens.

That is our job.
We pass the love and welcome on to them.
The same welcome we feel when we visit heaven – the coming home – we can give to others.
Then, they too, come home.

The better we do our job, the more the tears of gratitude flow.
Then we all become one with the spiritual world of love, compassion, understanding and relief, as someone above us eases our burden.

So, we need broad shoulders to carry someone else’s load, until someone above us takes it and eases our burden.
That is family at work, all pulling together to ease each other’s load.

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