Hello Bob,
I have some questions from Chapter 2 of the book on aliens and I would be obliged if you could ask the Great White Brotherhood about them:
Question 1:
When the GWB stated: Each one of these elements was given a stamp, a logos, which is a sort of list of information for each element of life that tells it a number of things to which it has to concord.
My questions are:
- When was this logos – the stamp, applied to the elements?
- Was it right away after being placed into its location within the sub-frequency of a dimension?
- If the logos was applied long before I knew I existed, then did the elements come together to create my human form before I incarnated, became a baby, born from my mother?
- How were the elements drawn into my mother’s womb?
- The GWB say the elements sprung into action to create me but in what way? As a baby form?
I am a bit confused by this and amazed at the same time.
Question 2:
When the GWB stated this: But, to enable you to have some form of independent life, you have the ability to contact, to interact with that one consciousness, as if it were your own and thus move, think, act as if you had an independent life force of your own, exclusive to you.
They make it seem like I contact the one consciousness.
This, I don’t understand what they mean.
How does one of my bodies contact this one consciousness?
I thought that the consciousness had to contact the body to make it look alive, I need help with understanding this contact concept.
Question 3:
When the GWB stated: Also, we must say that, according to the way the person developed in the heavenly spheres, and according to his life plan, he would have certain aspects more developed than others.
These are the questions that I have:.
- When we were in the heavenly spheres, before we incarnated, were we in human form at that point, or just points of light, of consciousness?
It seems from the statement that we would have been in form, with all our bodies, or personalities attached to us.
- Were we in some kind of adult form, did we look like I do now, before incarnating, or was I just a body of light in the heavenly spheres?
- Were we bodies of light, but with all the personalities attached that have no form as well?
- So how come when we transfer our consciousness into another personality, we keep our form?
- Is it just our imagination creating it so we have a point of reference?
Question 4:
Is an incarnation on Earth as a baby the first time I took form from being just a body of light?
I am going to try to reply to your various questions without asking the Great White Brotherhood because they are busy dictating a book about these very subjects to us and I feel that they would be rather annoyed if I asked them to explain what they are going to explain anyway… if you see what I mean.
So, I will be flying by the seat of my pants on this.
Answer 1:
From what I have understood, the answer to your first question about the logos is that it is attached to the fundamental element at the moment of its creation.
In other words, at the moment when the Archangels first create that planet sized element that was talked about in the previous book (The Dawns Of Life), I think that not only was life created, but all the basic destiny of that object, that element, was placed in it at the same time.
So, it not only knows that it is alive at that point but also that it is going to be you or me or an ant or something.
So, the eight basic personality aspects would also be present in that basic, barely alive element created so long ago.
If I am correct, I think that at the moment of creation of an element, the Archangels also add the fact that it is going to be you, for example, and also put in association with that element the various personality traits, eight of them, that you will need later on.
So, you are already basically ready to go from the very beginning.
Your human form is the result of your mother and father’s genetic combining plus the fact that you grew in your mother’s womb.
All the rest of you, all that is really you, is part of your spiritual make-up and has absolutely nothing to do with your physical body.
When the Great White Brotherhood said that elements spring into action to create you, they were referring exclusively to your spiritual or non-physical makeup and nothing to do with your physical body really.
Answer 2:
This is where things are going to start to get really weird and I don’t expect you to believe me. But in fact, we are all just this one, invisible, unquantifiable consciousness.
The only reality any of us have is through these 8 personality trends that are contained within the eight dimensions.
So, when you walk down the street, when you look at yourself in the mirror, whatever you do, it is just these aspects of personality working to create what seems like reality to you.
The consciousness is part of the life force, somehow in the way that I don’t understand but the only true reality that any of us have, and this could be from a grain of sand up to a galaxy, is through the various personality trends that we all have.
Answer 3:
When you were in the Heavenly spheres, before your incarnation, you had no physical form but you did have basic personality trends present to give you some form of identity.
As you decided on your life plan and your interests so your 8 personality trends became fully formed.
But even now, all that really exists is this consciousness which tells you that you are alive, plus the 8 personality trends which actually create what you think is you.
As we all develop in wisdom and so on, these personality trends can come forward or backwards in importance and can change if required to replace one personality trend no longer required with another.
Answer 4:
If what I have said is true, and I believe it to be so, it means that even the body that you have now is just a figment of your imagination and is not actually real.
This was explained in one of the previous books I believe.
What I have told you here sounds totally crazy but I feel that it is basically true.
It is obvious that there is a lot more to life than we have ever been told so far and the Great White Brotherhood are gradually revealing this strange reality to us.
You know what mathematicians have said about quantum mechanics?
If it doesn’t sound crazy it means you haven’t understood it.
I think it must be the same with this life stuff, if it doesn’t sound crazy, then we haven’t got the truth.
Thanks Bob, I am grateful for your time in answering my questions.
Reality is rather scary, if what I said is true.
Can you imagine that your ID (you) is only some sort of consciousness mixed with a few personality traits and a vibration?
That is bizarre.
I have been puzzling about “life” and I noticed something that might help explain life a bit more.
One of my son’s is a very keen plant grower. He has a magnificent collection of Orchids, and he grows all sorts of plants.
Now, with most plants, he buys the seed packets and the seeds all look basically the same.
Then he plants them in little pots and, in a few days the little plants start to grow.
Now, this is the interesting bit.
All the plants push out two leaves.
No matter what species of plant it is, the first two leaves are identical – the little plants all look identical.
Then, a second pair of leaves come out and this pair have the clear indication of what the plant is going to be.
I was looking at his young plants today and I realised something.
When the plant first grows, it doesn’t know what it is going to be – only a plant, so, it puts out two leaves.
Next, the plant is told that it is going to be a “something”. A rose, a geranium, a cabbage or whatever.
So, I think that the plant, at first, only has one “personality” active that tells it that it is going to be a plant.
Then, shortly after, a second personality kicks in that tells it that it is going to be a “something plant”; rose, geranium, cabbage, etc.
If this is so, we must follow the same procedure.
So, we develop in stages exactly like a plant does.
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PDF - We Develop In Stages