I understand that, even before the “big bang”, we existed.
We have always existed.
But this is where it gets difficult to explain.
We existed as a singularity – there was only one of us – but, at the same time, we were many.
Every person that has existed, does exist and will exist in the future, existed in this singularity.
Quite how this is possible, I do not fully comprehend.
But that is why, even now, we can exist as individuals but, at the same time be total God, which is the singularity that whizzes about creating all that we see and so on.
I remember the GWB mentioning this and calling it an ID.
We all have individuality, but we are all one – this ID.
Assuming this to be true, this ID existed before the big bang. So, we were a form of embryo consciousness, even before the galaxy was created by God, or collective consciousness or whatever it is that creates all that exists.
To what degree we were conscious at that time, I cannot say but I have just remembered that we were not human at that time, we were just consciousness.
As has been mentioned in the book, “Stairway To Freedom”, the Directors Of Life (DOL) take this life force and give it a stamp that tells it that it is going to be a “something” – a stone or a drop of water, or a blade of grass, or an animal of some sort or a human. So, once again, we have this concept of something being one and many at the same time.
However, when I was writing the lesson about atoms, I was being guided in what I wrote and I notice that I wrote that, ‘God being God can do anything it wants and can become an atom of oxygen suitable for a human, then an atom of oxygen suitable for an animal and so on.’
So, I think that the answer must lie there somewhere.
NB: You may notice that I seem to be on my own with this explanation which is why I am struggling so much.
When I wrote the essay about atoms, it just flowed from my pen with very little effort on my behalf because I was doing automatic writing but this is a real struggle.
Anyway, let’s go on.
We, at one stage, were just embryo points of life and then, one day, the DOL selected us, purely by chance, and gave us a human stamp.
From that point onwards, I believe we are put into the care of an Oversoul and our education starts.
So, we are not created by our oversoul. We already exist as a point of consciousness that now has a human stamp on it.
It is the job of the oversoul to help us form our personality and so on.
So, I would imagine that when we are just pure consciousness, albeit with a human stamp, we would not have any real awareness of who we are.
Gradually, as our Oversoul nurtures and helps us, so we start to grow in awareness. Then we can start to be educated by the Oversoul and by angels, etc.
That is about the best that I can do for the moment.
Before I stop, I would like to say something that one of my guides said about atoms, because it also may apply to us.
He said that a car is made of millions of atoms, each atom playing a role in the construction of the car. But when the car moves, all the atoms have no choice but to move with the car.
The atoms are singular but move as a collective whole.
Now, we know that he was ignoring the fact that atoms are a singularity in order to make a point about things being many but acting as one.
I am sorry that this explanation is not very smooth but I found it very difficult to write about.
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