It is said, that you are exactly where you should be, doing exactly what you need to be doing.
I don’t know if this is really true but I suspect that it is.
Now, there is another aspect to all this, and by coincidence, it is being discussed in the very chapter that I am getting at the moment. Chapter 4 of the book, the Illusion Of Life.
The chapter goes to great lengths to explain that we live in an illusionary world and, if we know how, as it is all imagination, we could alter the imaginary image we currently have and create a new reality from our imaginations.
So, if this is correct, you just imagine whatever you want and it will happen like magic.
But there is something missing from this image… feet on the ground reality. Common sense.
I haven’t got all the chapter yet so the author might explain how we do this. But we also need to consider our life plan. We also need to consider the effect our decisions might have on others (our family, our loved ones). So, I think these leaps in the dark need to be taken very carefully. We need to have developed the wisdom to see far into the future to be certain that we harm no one.
Until we do can that, it is better to let life unfold as it is and allow our guides to guide us in conjunction with our life plan.
God – which is us – is looking after us and our lives will evolve and progress with time.
But time, although it does not exist, does in the way of sequence of events, one thing after another. We must not jump stages.
What those stages are in anyone’s life, I have no idea.
It is the case, once again, “Heaven can wait”.
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