What Is The Point Of Knowing That Life Is An Illusion?

There are a number of reasons why we are telling you about illusion.

  1. First and foremost, this is part of the mass of information that those above us have charged us to reveal to you.
    The object is to give as much truth about life as we can, whether or not it relates directly and formally to one’s daily life.
    All information is valuable and the story concerning life would be incomplete if this important topic were omitted.
  2. It may well be that this particular aspect may seem unrelated to daily life. Indeed, even on our side of the veil, it often seems to have no bearing but, as we just said, we have been directed to tell you about this and so we do.
    But, as we progress through Ascension, so those who go along with Ascension will find themselves more and more in charge of their lives and capable, through manipulating so-called reality, to make life for themselves and for all good people, better.
    We can only do this by understanding that life is not fixed, not decided by those who may not have our best interests at heart but that, as all is illusion, pretending to be reality, we can create a reality suitable to us.
  3. We add that those in the grips of evil forces are perfectly aware of the illusory nature of life and use the evil forces to create as much harm as possible.
    They deny to you good people this knowledge so we tell you in order for you to be as fully armed as they, with the difference that you can refute the negative attitudes and replace them with positive attitudes.
    This can only happen if we all understand that life is an illusion and can be changed by an act of will.

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