When I Die, Then What

What happens when I die?
I’d like to answer that, quite simply and the simple answer is, you can’t die, your body can die but your body is only like a car, a vehicle that you use, whilst you’re here on Earth.
When that vehicle is worn out or has an accident or whatever, when it comes to the end of its life, you go off, you, the driver, somewhere else, to what we call the spirit world.

Now, the reason that you can’t die, is quite simple.
When the Big Bang occurred, many billions of years ago, all things that exist, were created as little points of life by this force we call God.
Everything that exists now, all the planets in the entire universe, all the space, on earth – all the people, the plants, the animals, the insects, water, air, everything was created of tiny points of light, which you can consider as if they were tiny atoms, they’re not actually atoms, they’re just little points of life.

Now, the way it works is quite simply this, that once something has been created by this force, we call God, it can never die.
Therefore, the fact that you were created as a tiny point of life, you cannot die.
It is quite as simple as simple as that.

Now, your body and equally, each atom of your body, has within it, these tiny points of life and at the end of your life here on Earth, your body will either decay or be cremated or whatever and the tiny atoms will go off to make something else.
But they can’t die.
They will never disappear.

An atom is virtually endless in its life existence because it contains within its center, this tiny point of life.
You have this tiny point of life within you, that we call the Spirit of God and it’s contained within your soul, and that is contained, normally, in conjunction with your physical body and your auras and so on.
When you die, your physical body stops working, but the rest of you, your spirit of God, that’s wrapped inside something we call the soul, plus all your thoughts and emotions and your personality and so on, that goes soldiering on into another dimension and lives forever, or virtually forever.
Its ultimate destination is to merge, once more, with this thing we call God or also called the Godhead, it’s the same thing, and will disappear.
This is a long, long way in the future for all of us.

So, if you’re worried about, how long can I live?
When will I die?
You’re going to find, one of these fine days, that you will no longer be trapped within your body and you will find yourself probably floating about outside about your body looking down and then, generally speaking, and I’ve been through this experience, you go through that long tunnel, towards the bright light at the end and there, you find yourself in a magnificent world, or at least for most of us.

I’ll do another lesson on heaven and hell and I’ll explain what I’ve seen up there because I am a trained clairvoyant.
I’ve been on many explorations throughout the spirit world and I’ve seen quite a number of different things.
Some of them extremely pleasant, some rather unpleasant, but I’ll explain all that in another lesson.

If you’re a decent, normal person, I can assure you, that you’ll go off to one of the levels of paradise and it’s well worth waiting for because it’s magnificent there.


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