When In Doubt – Do Nothing

Hi Bob,

I have a bit of a dilemma that I would like some guidance on. I have been thinking about this a lot lately and I just want to make sure that I am making the right decision.

Insert your problem here: This could be any problem, literally, any problem because the answer will be the same, as you will see from the replies from Bob and from my own experiences now, after many years since this message, the answer given by Bob and the GWB is true.

The answer is easy, when in doubt, do nothing.

When it is the moment, things will fall into place on their own and you will just need to follow along as things unfold.
So, for the moment, do nothing – say nothing.

You will find that when the moment is right, everything will have sorted itself out.
So, I repeat.
For the moment do not do or say anything. No decision. Let your higher self do it all, not your brain.

Thanks Bob, I do appreciate that.
That is what I have been doing so far, not saying anything and not doing anything about it.

Remember, don’t become involved with judging nor with worrying about the past or the future.

Your higher self has already sorted everything out so all you need to be is a spectator watching life unfold.
Be confident that your Higher Self knows what you want and it will all happen as it should, when it should.

Just remain calm and watch as if you were watching a film on TV. That is what I do and it always works.

It is called faith.

My Higher Self is God and God knows how my life should unfold.
So, I never worry about anything – that is coming from the brain not the Higher Self.
Let your Higher Self do its job and it will sort your life out.
Your Higher Self has already sorted your future out so just let the film unroll and you will see the happy ending.

Yes, I remember, I guess that is why I was stopping myself from going any farther, worrying about how it might happen or what could go wrong, but I know that I need to let it go and not let it bother me.
My Ego comes to the very fore front and that is my problem, not anyone else’s.

Thanks for reminding me… this will be a true test for me to have full faith that all will work out and I will better off. I do believe it all to be true, now I need to put my money where my mouth is, as the saying goes.

Please be reassured that I know what I am talking about, not only through my life’s personal experiences but from what I have been advised by the Great White Brotherhood whenever I discussed a problem with them.
They have always said, “Don’t worry and don’t try to resolve problems. God knows of your problems and God (Higher Self) wants the best for you so have faith that life will sort itself out and will resolve any problem.”

I have found this to be true.

To be honest, if I have a problem, I say to God something that Oliver Hardy used to say to Stan (paraphrased), “Here’s another fine mess, God, sort it out for me.”

And I sit back and watch the solution appear – and it always does.

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