Remember, when you hit rock bottom, the only way is up.
I can confirm from my life experiences that this is true.
When you hit the point of desperation and you say, ‘’I can’t go on like this…” that is when God steps in and solves your problems.
It happened to me and others to whom I have spoken to so I know, for certain, that when you hit rock bottom, your solution will appear like magic.
So, hang in there and God will sort you out. That is sure and certain, but the unfortunate bit is you must reach rock bottom.
Now, where is rock bottom?
Believe me, it is a long way down.
I fell very far, farther than most will ever experience.
I had no food, a wife and three kids to care for, electricity cut off.
I had a job, but the job was not providing enough money to live. Times were very hard in those days. You can’t imagine just living on potatoes and scapings of what we could salvage.
But we held on.
A short while later, all was sunshine and light again. God tests us but he also rewards us.
So, no matter how hard things get, hang on and all will resolve into peace once more.
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