Where Do Personalities Start?

I really liked that chapter, very thought provoking for someone like me who wonders why the hell I came here!

As far back as I can remember, I have always wondered about life and what is it all about. Many times, I thought, what is the purpose of this life – incarnation. I remember being quite young and wondering about these things, only to get quite a headache thinking about it.

I try and visualize myself in the 4th before I incarnated, wondering what I did and what I was shown. What did I see that I liked? What was it that I was shown that made me want to come here?

I can certainly look back in my life of incarnation to date and respect that I could have been one of the undecided about things. I tended to be like that early in life.

Now I am clear, I want the spiritual path to perfection.

I agree with you about incarnation.
I can’t honestly say that I have ever wondered why I came here because I seem always to have known.
Apparently, I am not like ordinary people and I have always known that I am different – not like Tom Riddle – however.
So, it did not surprise me when the Great White Brotherhood selected me. Although I had never heard of them, somehow, I expected it.
I often feel that Hogwarts is my home on Earth.
And, of course, the 4th is my home in heaven.

I enjoyed the chapter the 2nd time through, maybe even more so.

I do have a question though, about personalities. Are personalities developed naturally or are they created to keep balance? What made me wonder is that there are these point of life – God, in the 8th, having no specific purpose, then, some are selected, given a Logos and move to the 7th where they begin to take on a personality. If these points of life are all the same – God, why would they all not take on the same personality?
Why do we all take on a slightly different personality?

Does it have something to do with our individuality? Having a unique frequency somehow makes us attracted to different things. Or are things attracted to us? And those that have similar frequencies – although obviously very slightly different, have very similar personalities?

Or, to keep things in balance, personalities are created and steered by Archangels and the Directors Of Life?

Or, simply, all the frequencies of individuality across a massive spectrum ensures that balance is kept?

I go back to the statement in the chapter that an Archangel randomly goes into the 8th and selects the required number of points of live and brands them with a Logos and off they go…

I am having trouble getting my mind around this question and I don’t know if I have answered myself already or not.

I think that we all have free will to decide which way we go.
We are shown all around heaven and decide for ourselves what we like and what we dislike.
So, my answer is that we create for ourselves our personalities.

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