Your guides must be totally aware of your situation and, once again from personal experience, I know that they will not give you too much to do until we have the basis of our lives totally stable.
A few days ago, I was talking to the one that contacts me from the Great White Brotherhood and he mentioned to me that I was coming up to a difficult point in my life, without explaining the details.
At the time I was perfectly well and didn’t understand what he was saying but now I realize that they already knew that I was going to have to pass through this difficult period and he wasn’t far wrong.
In my case, one way or another, I will get it sorted out as quickly as I can with the method that we have discussed previously about letting your Higher Self and guides resolve things from behind the scenes and you just do what you need to do as things unfold.
So, I hope that you can see that this would not be the best time to plunge you into any spiritual work while your life is not stable.
I received the first book when I was my early 40’s but had to wait until I was about 75 years old before they really started to download all these other books to us.
Before then, I had other things that occupied my time and it was only at that age that I really stopped doing music concerts and had the time to devote myself to the work of the Great White Brotherhood.
If what I have said is correct and I believe it to be correct, it shows that they can, to a certain extent, see into the future and watch out for us.
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