Theme: Unwise for the student to attempt to rid himself of all the emotions that ego forms in his body because he will expose himself to a degree of vulnerability that would cause mayhem in his life and could cause mental breakdown as the full force of the evil emanations swirling round the planet were able to touch his exposed personality and soul.
Reference: Stairway To Freedom – Pg. 134
There is little or no need for those who seek to follow a path towards God to provide nourishment for the ego. Indeed, the opposite obtains. It is similarly unwise for the student to attempt to rid himself of all the emotions that ego forms in his body because he will expose himself to a degree of vulnerability that would cause mayhem in his life and could cause mental breakdown as the full force of the evil emanations swirling round the planet were able to touch his exposed personality and soul. Therefore, initially, it must be obvious that a form of compromise is necessary. We must learn, whilst incarnate on Earth, to balance the life that we lead with the spiritual life that we would like to lead. Let us state immediately that true spirituality is entirely obtainable whilst on Earth and, should that elevated condition be attained, then, by definition, ego would be nonexistent. However, in such a God-filled personality, that power of God would envelop the individual in a mighty barrier of spiritual power that nothing would invade. Lesser mortals must be more careful.
It needs also to be said that the chances of any individual achieving true enlightenment whilst on Earth are slim. The forces that play round man, the needs of the body, the requirements of business and domestic life are such that few people have the time, energy, and means of becoming enlightened because that state is not granted by God in a flash, rather like rewarding a faithful dog with a titbit. It is a state that is achieved by long and patient devotion to God. It is a state that is hard won. There are paths that one must walk alone with no one to assist, and therefore the state to which we refer is indeed difficult for humans incarnate to achieve. Do not, however, be dismayed. Every inch that you travel each day will remain with you and you will reap the benefit of your efforts when you return to the land of your origin, the spiritual realms.
So, we find that a certain portion of ego remains with most people who follow the path to God. Gradually, over the days and years that you pray, meditate, and serve God, you will find that the negative aspects of personality will diminish. You can afford to lose them. You will be far better without them and you will bring happiness to yourself and to others as you cause them to disappear. Then you will be able to develop those concepts of personality that are positive and helpful to you as they will enable you to relate to your environment, your society, and all the personal relationships with which you deal each day in a positive, peaceful, and relaxed manner.
By allowing negative aspects of ego to die and nurturing positive aspects of personality, you will be maintaining the barrier between your essential attributes that constitute a human and those negative forces that seek to destroy. Such a barrier will be strong but you and your personality will undergo a change, an improvement, as you diminish those negative aspects and increase the positive ones.
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