Here are the steps to take to perform channeling or telepathy.
Of course, prior to this, one should already be actively doing prayer, meditation and service to God – helping others when it is appropriate to help elevate your consciousness to get you into the state to receive higher knowledge from guides or your higher self.
- It is a case of thanking God for protecting the communication.
- Then thanking the Great White Brotherhood (or other guides/groups if not with the GWB) that you are coming into their presence.
- Then blanking the mind so that our imagination does not start to send us garbage.
- Then writing what you hear in your mind.
As I have said, at first, it might be coming from you but, as you continue to write, it becomes more fluid, fluent.
That is when they take over.
But don’t seek for that state. Just write and let them do what they want.
It doesn’t happen like magic.
It is a process.
But we all have this talent, latent within us. We just have to release it.
As I have said, it still amazes me that I can do it because, often, it feels as if I am writing the stuff. It is only when I read what I have written that I realise that it is not coming from me.
I wish it was!
Now, telepathy is not hard because we all have the ability. We just need to unfold it a bit like peeling an onion – not the best analogy.
I have already explained above what I suggest you do but I will repeat.
You need a writing pad and a pen – if you wish to perform automatic writing.
You also need some free time and to be in a situation where you will not be interrupted.
Please do not try this with one eye on the clock. You need to be totally relaxed.
What I do is to warn my family when I am going to try to get a download and I put a “do not disturb” sign on the door – a homemade one.
- Then, all you need to do, as I have said, is to thank God for protecting you.
- Then I tell the GWB that I am coming into their presence and I would like to get some information on whatever subject it might be and I thank them.
- Then I write the title of the subject at the top of the page.
- Now, I just clear my mind.
Now, this is where we will likely differ because, in my case, straight away I hear someone start talking to me and I just write it down.
In your case, what you should do, if I may suggest is, without concentrating too much on what you are writing, start to write what little you know about the subject you with to know about.
What you write is not of world shattering importance. Just write what you can.
But, without thinking about it, without getting serious about it, without trying to impress anyone or feeling self conscious, just write about the topic.
No one will ever see this bit so it doesn’t matter what you write. You can throw it away at the end.
As I have said, the writing may or may not get easier. It is of no importance at this stage. Just try to let the writing flow.
When the writing stops, read back what you have got.
As I said, if it is good stuff, all well and good. If it is not interesting, it doesn’t matter. You have made a start.
Then on another day, choose a different topic and repeat the exercise.
When you have finished, thank both the GWB for helping you and God’s angels for protecting you and that is it, done.
It will work with time.
The trick is to try not to let your imagination interfere too much with what you receive. Obviously it will at first but if you remain relaxed as you write, it enables someone else to take over.
This can work with other methods and does not need to be with pen and paper, it can work through typing on the computer if your typing skills are advanced enough that you do not need to think about the typing part and can type without thinking what you are doing on the keyboard, or, you can try speaking what you receive in thought by recording yourself on your phone or any type of recording equipment and then play it back.
Remember, don’t try to think about what is happening, don’t analyze any feelings or sensations that you get, just write. It doesn’t matter where it is coming from.
It might be your imagination or it might be your higher self or it might be the GWB.
Also remember that the chain of getting information is this:
- Guides who speak to your higher self.
- Higher self who puts information into your imagination because imagination acts as a sort of translation device, converting the higher self concepts into a form that you can understand.
- Imagination sends the information down to your mind and brain so that you can hear or feel the information.
So, working up from the brain, you have this chain.
- Brain/Mind
- Imagination
- Higher self (higher mind)
- Guides – if the information is coming from a guide
Now, you notice that imagination is right after higher self (higher mind). Imagination is very important and is on the 6th dimension.
So, when you write, don’t try to feel that it is coming from guides – just write. When you just write, this will be coming from your imagination, even if it doesn’t feel very imaginative.
If you sort of blank your mind and just let your imagination write anything, it allows your higher mind to send you stuff. Don’t forget that your higher self is God and God already knows everything about any subject so your higher self can pour wisdom into your imagination but will only do this if you relax and let the information come from anywhere that it chooses.
If you try to feel that it is coming from a particular source, it puts blinkers on where it is actually coming from.
So, don’t decide where you think the information is coming from, just relax and let the pen flow over the paper.
If you suddenly can write no more – and it happens to me sometimes – put the pen down, have a drink of water or a cup of tea and then return.
Once again, don’t try to get something.
Just pick up the pen and write the first thing that comes into your mind.
Don’t guide it, just let if flow. It doesn’t matter what you write, it is just to get the process going again.
Never try to guide the writing yourself.
Do not do like you would do if you were writing a letter to a friend, or like I am doing writing this message to you.
I am thinking about what I am going to write.
Do not do that.
Just write whatever you feel is coming down your arm into your pen.
That way, your higher self can pour information into your imagination or a guide can pour information into your higher self which is passed to imagination and then into mind/brain.
But it will only work if you just let it happen.
Do not try to feel that it is coming from a guide.
So, when you have time, choose a subject and let it all hang out, as they used to say back in the flower power days.
Don’t forget that it may well not work first, second or third time you try but it will eventually so don’t get frustrated.
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