I know of a couple of magicians who do the most extraordinary magic, so I asked and received a download from the Great White Brotherhood on how it is done.
Here it is:
These so-called modern magicians are using techniques that are thousands of years old.
People long ago realized that the reality that we live in is a false one, in that it is a form of illusion, created in the 6th dimension which is that of imagination.
This being so and everyone creating with their minds the world we live in, then it implies that what we see is by common agreement.
If someone holds an object in front of a crowd, even if it is filmed and goes to a large number of people via TV or the internet, by common agreement, all accept that they are looking at the same object.
What happens is that one person sees, for example, an apple that the magician is holding in his hand and that thought flies instantly out to the collective consciousness and everyone, even those watching a recording at a later date, see an apple.
It appears real and solid although, in truth, there is nothing in the magician’s hand.
The illusion creates the image of what the first person expects to see – an apple – and so it appears to be an apple in the magician’s hand.
So, what the magician does with his trained mind, overrides the collective consciousness of the audience and he visualizes, strongly, something else.
In reality, he still has nothing in his hand because the truth is that all is illusion, and nothing exists as solid matter.
But the magician strongly visualizes a pear, a banana, a bird or whatever and this thought goes into the collective consciousness and replaces the first image and so now people no longer see an apple, they see whatever image the magician is projecting.
This image flies out from the auras of the magician and instantly flies around the world, replacing one image with another.
Now, all this is done by the magician having realized that nothing is real and fixed in stone, so he spends long years training his mind to visualize things.
Then he learns to project his images and the magic flows.
It is not magic, of course, it is mind over mind.
This technique is used by religions, politicians, advertising agencies, etc., not to influence people instantly, as does a magician, but slowly, but nevertheless using the same technique of concentration on an imaginary object or concept.
The concept can be very useful if used for the good of others and can cause great harm if used by evil people.
It is achieved by mind power creating the illusion they want to convince people is real.
End of the message from the GWB.
If we can accept this as true – and I am sure that it is – we can see the extraordinary power of visualization.
I used it quite often in the past to influence people and I could tell you a number of stories where I used this technique, not quite a consciously as these magicians do to change “reality”, but my subconscious did it without me actively realizing what I was doing as my powers of visualization were quite well developed years ago.
I tend to do it less nowadays because I don’t mix with the public as much as I used to but I used to amaze myself in the “magic” I could perform.
Never to harm people nor to get things for myself but just to achieve some spiritual end.
The point I am making is that it is well worth while for you all to develop visualization so that you can do magic also.
So long as you never do it to harm people nor to get stuff for yourself but only to help others or to push forward some spiritual goal, it is harmless.
It is the technique that Jesus used to feed the 5,000, to walk on water and a number of miraculous things he did such as turning water into wine.
We can do the same if we develop visualization.
It is a difficult and counterintuitive concept.
When you see someone holding an apple in their hand, it seems so real that it is difficult to realize that the magician has nothing in his hand but is just projecting the thought to everyone that he has an apple in his hand.
It must also take a lot of self confidence on the part of the magician to hold nothing in his hand but hope and pray that everyone else can see an apple.
The power of visualization and, the next part which is projecting that visualized object into the mind of someone else, is extremely important and a fascinating thing to learn to do.
When I learned to do it, it was the GWB that guided me as I had no idea about this illusionary world we live in.
All that is new to me.
But, if all is illusion, it makes sense that I can persuade people that whatever I have in my hand is real as nothing is real except imagination.
What we imagine is what we create.
So, I imagine, strongly, an apple, hold out my empty hand and people see an apple.
Then I visualize a pear and, in my empty hand people see a pear.
I remember a story of a wise man in India that lived near some fishermen.
Every evening, the wise man would ask the fishermen for some oil for his lamps and the fishermen would give him some.
But one evening, for a laugh, they told the wise man that they had no oil.
The wise man returned to his hut, poured some water into his lamps and lit them just as if it was oil that he was using.
The fishermen ware amazed and a bit frightened so they never refused oil to the wise man after that.
Presumably the wiseman was using this technique to change water into oil.
The moral of the story of the wise old man is that he didn’t need the fishermen’s oil at all, he asked them each night so that they could improve their “souls” by giving.
What some of these magicians can do is simply amazing and defies any logic, even if we take illusion into account.
I asked the GWB to explain more about how these tricks are done, here is what I was told:
How do people (magicians) project their minds on to others to create this illusion?
This technique is quite simple.
If we can accept that, actually, nothing exists in solid form and it is all an illusion created by our minds, it follows that the object can be altered at will.
Already, this concept of collective consciousness (CC) creating what we accept as real is hard at work creating illusion that we accept as reality.
It is so well known now that we don’t question it.
For instance, we accept that we all have individual lives and individual experiences.
Your friends their lives and you have yours.
They are not the same and yet you both accept this as normal.
But it is not normal at all.
As we’re all one and as CC works on all, normal, would be for all people experiencing the same thing at the same time like one person – which is what you are.
But the idea that you can have CC and yet be individuals is the key to making people believe what the magician wants them to see.
Nothing is real but a form of reality is being constantly created, frame of space/time after frame of space/time.
So, the magician is able, in the moment between two frames of space/time, when nothing exists, to project a concept different from what was a moment before.
The change occurs in that microsecond between any two frames of space/time.
His trained mind overrides the CC and creates a new CC which can last as long as the magician requires to complete his trick.
In effect, it is not a trick.
He alters space/time to override that which the crowd (audience) would normally expect to occur, following on from the previous frames of space/time, and alters space/time to become a different one for that group of people that the magician creates as a local CC.
Eventually, of course, he releases his hold over the CC and life returns to normal CC.
It is just a question of developing visualization to the point that space/time, which is an illusion anyway, is taken under the control of the magician.
This is something that can only be appreciated as one develops visualization, and one starts to experiment with space/time, altering it in small ways before moving on to bigger projects.
End of the message from the GWB.
I don’t know if you can understand that?
It is a bit complicated but is very interesting.
In effect, the magician overrides what the Directors Of Life and the other Archangels are creating for their audience and creates a small, different version of so-called reality for a while.
So, it is not really a trick.
The magician really creates an alternative reality for a while.
To download this lesson, please click on the link below: