Manifest Anything We Want

I don’t quite know what to make of this.

I have been pushed, over the last weeks, to watch the series of films that are on the internet about witches and wizards.
They are mostly for children, but, late at night, when I have finished all my work, I have watched them.
Apart from the HP books and films, there are several other series; The Worlds Worst Witch, The Weird Sister Academy, and several others.
They all show how witches and wizards can manifest things, disappear at will, teletransportation and so on.

Well, last night, I had a lucid dream.

It was the same dream all night, over and over again.
Basically, the dream was telling me that we can all, if we put the work in, learn visualization and learn to become, in effect, wizards, learning to do all the teletransportation, creating things out of thin air and all the stuff that wizards do in these books and films.

The dream pushed the importance of mastering visualization and telling me that it was important to master these skills.

I don’t know, at my age, if I have the energy to do that much meditation, but I was given this dream and it seemed important.

If we did the necessary amount of visualization, apparently, we could manifest anything we wanted.

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