Old Beliefs & New Beliefs

Note: This lesson has been added to lesson: Cautions & Preparations for the Student Seeking Spiritual Improvement as an additional supplement to aid the spiritual student on their path/journey.
It is hoped that by adding this lesson that the student will avoid the issues and dangers of the spiritual path and progress along in a safe and peaceful manner.

As you increase your level of spirituality, you create ever newer and better worlds that you will live in.
Don’t forget that our reality is changing billions of times a second.
So, as you get more and more advanced in spirituality, you will create better and better levels for yourself and your loved ones.
It is the opposite of what most people understand.

I can understand that you are living in turmoil at the moment.
This is normal.
You are still chucking out your old beliefs and trying to replace them with new ones.
Now, when these new beliefs are in place, you will be at peace again but, this is what happens.

We have beliefs that we have accepted as “true” over the years.
Then you begin to awaken and research information which turns your belief systems on their heads.

So, you realize that you must chuck out the old beliefs in order to replace them with new ones.
But here is the important point.
When you chuck out the old beliefs and before they are replaced with new ones, you have a vacuum.
Now, this is the point that you are at now.
Your mind doesn’t like to have a vacuum.
Up till now it has always had something to hold onto – your old beliefs.
So, your mind is desperately searching to cling on to something, but you can’t yet fully absorb the new information.
So, this causes turmoil.
You need to be careful at this point because your mind can shut down if it gets too confused.
We call that a nervous breakdown.
It happened to me long ago and is horrible.

You must avoid this at all costs.

If this starts to happen to you, stop all spiritual work for the next few weeks.
By which I mean, don’t do any meditation, don’t watch any spiritual stuff on internet.
I want you to act as if you had never got involved in any of this and just go about your day and just watch TV and interact with your family or friends until you start to feel better.

I have been down this road before so please follow this advice.

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