Do The Works That I Do & Greater Works Than These Will He Do

My wife and I had to go and see a lawyer about a piece of land that we own.
We parked in an underground car park and saw the lawyer about the land.
Then we returned to the car park and I took the ticket from my wallet and paid by credit card.

Then we drove to a restaurant to have a cup of coffee and sticky bun but my wallet was missing.
Fortunately, we could pay for the food in cash so we hurriedly ate and drank and returned to the car park. We also searched the car, obviously, hoping that I had dropped the wallet in the car. Nothing.

In the car park, the lady in charge very kindly got her staff to search the car park but no wallet.

The next day, we went to a supermarket to buy some food. My wife used her credit card to pay for the groceries.

Upon returning to the car, I opened the trunk to put the groceries in the car. For some reason I looked towards the front of the car and, balanced on the gear shift lever and the hand brake was my wallet.
All my papers and cash were in my wallet.

The strange thing was, once I had checked the wallet, I tried to rebalance it on the gearshift and the handbrake lever and it was impossible. Try as I might, I could not get the wallet to balance on the two metallic levers as I found my wallet.

So, I thanked the Great White Brotherhood and that is the end of the story.

So, what actually happened, I will never know but I was extremely grateful.

Just today, I asked the Great White Brotherhood about this and they explained what they did and offered to explain to us how to do it.

Apparently, I dropped my wallet in front of the ticket machine.
The Great White Brotherhood, so they said, are always with us so they see what is going on and try to help us.
They noticed that I had dropped my wallet, picked it up and returned it to me in a way that I could not mistake for something ordinary.
By which I mean that, if I instantly found my wallet in our car, I would not have questioned it.
But they waited 24 hours, and when I was in the supermarket, gave it back to me.
It was their way of telling me that they were there, looking out for me.
And yes, it was the same process that they explained to us in the lesson about Transportation & Transfiguration.

So, be assured that the Great White Brotherhood will look out for and protect you and all your family.
That is a great comfort and shows how noble they are.

I just realized something.

In the meditation stuff they gave us, they told us to learn to blank the mind and then go on to visualizing things with the mind.
I realize the importance of the visualization aspect now.

When we can move into the etheric, we need to clearly visualize the object so that we can move it.
It is amazing how their lessons link together.

I feel that it will enable us to bridge the gap between physicality and the non-physical.
It will help us do the sort of things that Jesus did.
Jesus said that, one day, we would do the things he could do and I hope that this trick is the way forward.

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