The technique of taking a small, inanimate object, making it disappear and reappear in another place is fairly simple, although, like everything else esoteric, requires study and application.
Trying to do this with a living creature, although possible, is much more delicate and should only be done in emergencies.
We wish you to understand that everything is vibration. Thus, if something vibrates in harmony to planet Earth, it appears solid.
In the case of living creatures, the subject is much more complicated and we will ignore that for the moment,
So, it must be obvious that, before being able to move an object, we must be able to alter its frequency into one where it is no longer a solid object on Earth.
The technique of learning to change the frequency of an object is quite simply to look at the object and project the desire to move its frequency.
There is no need to worry about what frequency.
An aspect of us will decide that automatically.
It is sufficient to gaze in a relaxed but focused manner on the object and visualise it changing or disappearing.
Eventually, it will but it takes time, effort and determination to alter the frequency of something.
What we must do is to realise that we have a number of frequencies available to us.
Astral projection is an example where we transfer our attention exclusively into one of our etheric bodies.
What we are describing is not exactly that.
We are suggesting, that it is possible to keep our physical focus going but, the same time, move into an etheric plane.
So, we will be operating using two frequencies at once which is not an easy thing to do.
However, anyone who has studied meditation, will be used to operating in two frequencies at once and anyone who has learned telepathy will understand.
So, we should not actively try to project a particular frequency.
We just desire that he object change, gaze quietly but intently at it, blanking our mind to all else and then, one day, it will start to be less visible.
If we continue, eventually it will disappear.
In fact, the object is still there but invisible in earthly terms but will be seen with our etheric vision.
It will appear identical to the original but grey in colour, as will the world surrounding it.
Now it will be under the control of our mind.
So, we can, just with an act of will, pick up the etheric object, move it and then place it down.
Then we turn off the etheric plane and the object will reappear physically but in a different place – the place you chose to replace it.
So, we suggest that you take a table with nothing on it but a small, inanimate, light object and focus your intent upon it for sufficient time that it moves into the etheric.
Then, with your intent, move it a short distance, place it back on the table and allow it to reappear in physicality.
Do not be too ambitious at first.
With time, you can learn to move heavier objects greater distances.
However, never use this skill for self advantage.
Never try to impress people and never use it to get anything you think you lack.
Only ever use this to help others.
We will discuss moving animate objects another time.
We do not wish you to frighten a living creature so please only try on non-animate objects.
Also, it is important to replace the object back into physicality.
We do not want objects remaining in the etheric for ever.
To move the object, you need to see it in the etheric realm.
It matters not if your eyes are open or shut. The requirement is that you enter the etheric realm.
This can be practiced without an object.
It can be done by entering the meditation state and then moving into the etheric.
You can practice moving back and forth between the states.
Gradually, you will learn to enter the etheric at will and you will see the etheric forms of objects.
But please be sure that we are with you, you know the dangers.
Once you can enter the etheric at will, you find it easy to move the object.
Entering the Etheric
It is a form of focus but focus on different dimensions.
To move into the etheric, it is necessary to meditate on being in the Here and Now. Normal meditation
So, just do normal meditation and then do one of the following:
Either visualise opening a door and walking through or visualise a daffodil and moving into the trumpet of the flower.
This will enable you to change dimensions.
But, it is important to ask us to be with you and it is important to visualise only the object you wish to move. (Once you are in the etheric).
Do not be distracted in wandering about into the etheric – it can be dangerous.
Once you have finished, immediately return to your body on the earth.
Visualisation is the key to being able to do this.
If you cannot visualise a door or a daffodil you cannot do this so practice visualisation first.
We repeat.
Before trying to move into the etheric, ask us to be with you and we will protect you.
Also, do all the normal meditation protection before you start that is described in the lesson that we provided you on meditation.
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