Hi Bob,
My house is empty so I decided to take the peace and quiet to meditate and it was very powerful.
I don’t know if this was true, but at one point, near the time when I ended the session, I could see this golden light filling me and I felt like I was watching the inside of myself filling with this golden light and I was getting larger. I also noticed that I was hollow and it was like looking at the inside of my head, but it was empty, just a shell and this golden light was completely filling it.
It looked and felt wonderful and I kept it going for as long as I wanted to, but it came to an end obviously as I am now writing you this message.
Anyway, just wanted to share this with you, I don’t recall seeing a golden light before, but it was a light golden light, not a dark golden light. It was translucent, but you could see the golden aspect of it.
Message from the Great White Brotherhood:
The golden light that was observed was obviously a spiritual light.
From the great spirit – God – which is pure light, more and more light is flooding into the higher dimensions.
This is the light that was observed.
He felt hollow because the light was illuminating his spiritual aspects which do not exist in physicality and he was able to observe the light as it came into his head chakra.
He saw it from that point of view.
We are pleased that he had that experience which will reinforce his conviction concerning the spiritual aspect of life as opposed to physicality.
End of message from the GWB.
That is what I was told, no doubt, in the future, you will see this light more and more until, one day, you will be able to hold that light all the time.
It is the light that some saints talk about in the Bible. They call it, ‘Seeing the light.’ Or something like that.
Thanks Bob,
I had a feeling it was something like that, but you just never know and question things like that when it is something new and you’re not sure if you imagined it or did I really “see” that.
I am happy that you can ask the GWB for clarity or validation.
I forgot to mention that before that golden light happened, I felt a very pronounced feeling in my head, like a thud, likely at the third eye chakra area but it may also have felt like it was coming from the middle of my head.
Either way it was wonderful and I felt that way for long after the meditation.
Truly, I can give a lot of the credit to you because you told me off and reinforced in me that I am God, so during the meditation I told myself over and over again that I am God and I told myself over and over that God’s light is flowing through me and I could feel myself changing and then I suddenly saw the different light and it looked like I was watching it from the inside of my head, it was very surreal…
So, thank you for coaching and mentoring me to stay on the path.
I repeated over and over and over I am God, and it happened, so there you go, I guess it works.
Don’t forget that you are supposed to be blanking your mind, thinking of nothing.
You were given that message by God to show you that he is there so, please accept that and go back to visualizing nothing.
That will strengthen your auras and then you will be able to get more and more of that light to flood into you.
By the way, did you notice that, despite the light being bright, it didn’t hurt your eyes?
Thanks Bob, you’re absolutely right, I will ensure that I blank my mind.
Yes, the light was not too bright at all, it was flowing and shimmering and sparkling all around, but never was it hard on the eyes, nor too bright in any way.
You will find with the light that no matter how bright it gets – and, believe me, it can get pretty bright – it will never hurt your eyes.
The reason is, that the light from the sun is the same light that shines from stars, star light.
How I love that word – starlight!
It is the light of God and God would never hurt us.
We are God so that light is also shining from us, out to other people, other galaxies.
Other beings, infinitely small, that live on the atoms of our body, look into their night sky and see the light from our atoms and see it as star light.
We are shining the same light on these tiny people as God is shining to us in our night sky.
It goes on, smaller and smaller and bigger and bigger, and each time, it is a repeat.
People, however big or small they might be, staring into their night sky, seeing points of light and wondering if there is life out there.
This is the great mystery of life.
It goes on endlessly, smaller than we can imagine to bigger than we can think possible and, each time, the light from someone else’s atoms is shining like stars in their night sky- starlight.
This is why it was said, we came from the stars and we will return to the stars because that light is the light of God shining everywhere, in all dimensions and in all galaxies.
It goes on endlessly.
From infinitely small to unimaginably big.
On and on and, in each realm, there is a night sky with pinpoints of light shining on the beings below – star light, the light of God.
Thanks Bob, that was very beautiful and well written.
I started to reply to you and, suddenly, all that came out.
It came from my heart.
But think about it.
When we look into the light of the sun or when we look into the night sky, we are looking at the small light emitted by each atom of a being infinitely larger than we can imagine.
It just so happens that we are close enough to our sun that it seems unlike a star but, if we were to live close to a star, we would see that as our sun and the sun that shines on us would seem like a star.
So, when we can wrap our heads around this concept, we start to realize that God is not only all that is but all that is from the smallest to the largest – and we are that God.
We are the smallest to the largest.
Thanks Bob,
That is amazing, well stated and wouldn’t it be nice if everyone thought like that… then I guess we would know what would happen on earth.
I also forgot to mention, that after I came out of the meditation session, I felt in such a way that I wish I did all the time.
Every person I looked at, I felt like I was looking at God and I was so happy that they were God and doing whatever it was that they were doing.
I was also amazed by everything, a mechanical pencil was amazing, a building that sheltered me was the greatest thing ever, I was just so grateful for everything.
I felt that everything I looked at was great and most, maybe not all, was like looking at God, no matter what it was.
I was lucky enough to hold onto that feeling for 45 minutes to an hour, and I was so grateful.
I can see, how one day, when everyone feels like that, there will be no wars, no fighting, no hate, just peace and love for each other and everything.
You’ve got it.
When you can see all people, all animals, all plants and everything as God, that is the greatest feeling in the world.
When you can see yourself as God also, not as superior to anything, but the same as, it is amazing.
Just keep going with your prayers and meditations, with humility, never showing to others what you feel, God will take you on and on to levels you can’t imagine.
Make sure that the normal people in your life have no idea of what you are experiencing.
They are not ready and will just mock you.
Jesus spoke of not casting pearls (of wisdom) in front of hungry swine or they will surely turn and bite you.
He meant, keep schtum about your experiences.
They are between you and God – also the GWB and me.
We understand because we have all been through what you are experiencing and understand.
But the average person has no idea.
So, they will do their best to mock you.
So, this is the hard bit.
Your heart is bursting to share this experience with others but you can’t.
You are a lone soul wandering in the wilderness – well, not quite, but you know what I mean.
Thank you for sharing your wisdom, I truly appreciate it.
Oh yes, one other thing you helped me to remember… sorry for this, it’s just that it is coming back to me now.
As I was still feeling this way, a spam type e-mail came into my inbox and I remember laughing at it because it was offering me some kind of get rich quick scheme and I remember thinking to myself, I don’t need that, I am God, I don’t need anything!
Truly an amazing feeling and very difficult to remember how it feels after it went away so that if I was to see someone right now, I don’t think I would see them as God.
Now it is just a knowing they are God, but without the feeling that I had.
I felt like when I looked at an image of another person, I was looking at them and I was happy that they are God, I was so ridiculously happy, it was nuts, it was crazy how happy I was for the image of a person I was looking at, that they are God.
But now that you mention it… I’m not sure I really focused on myself and thought myself as God, but I must have and really didn’t think much of it.
I just remember that feeling of not needing anything… I didn’t even eat supper because I didn’t need anything…
But thank you Bob, you are right… I remember those wise words from the Stairway To Freedom book so I don’t tell a soul.
That is why I didn’t tell my wife or children at all… I took those words to heart.
Today at work, I just looked at people in wonder and love, as I know who they are, but they don’t know… but it was not the same feeling… if it was, I likely would have looked like a schmuck just grinning from ear to ear, snickering and giggling, looking at them and creeping them out.
I understand now, why we cannot feel this way all the time while incarnate because we would be useless here and a danger to ourselves and open to attack.
I totally understand why we have ego (fight/flight) placed within us when we incarnate to help protect us from others.
The earth collective consciousness is not ready yet and based on how I felt after the meditation, we are a long way from that state of consciousness.
So, I just look at them with the inward feeling of love of what’s to come and can only hope they begin to awaken.
I want to discuss this thing from a different aspect, if I may.
This morning, my son was looking out through the big glass window wall of our veranda (I don’t know how else to express it), when he spotted in the garden (yard), one our cats who had caught a beautiful red squirrel.
He wrenched open the sliding window door and chased after the cat, who immediately shot off with the squirrel in its mouth, over a fence and out of sight.
Now, why do I mention this and what has it to do with God?
The reason is, that this cat is what God has made it to be.
When God created this cat, he “said” to it, you’re a cat and cats catch and eat things.
So, your job is to be always on the watch to see if you can catch some small animal.
It doesn’t matter if you are hungry or not.
I made you to represent me here on Earth and, unless you find enough food to keep going, you will die and so will I.
So, catch and kill every small animal that you can.
It doesn’t matter if you have bowls of food at home, your job is to be the most effective hunter that you can because you have my spirit inside you and so you need to survive at all costs.
You are me and I need to survive and to grow in wisdom through your experiences.
So, make sure that you survive.
Now, I mention that because we all have the same instinct inside us.
Some people refer to it as survival instinct but it is part of ego, fight/flight.
Now, most people that you will come across, are not much more advanced than our cat.
They may wear nice clothes and talk well but, if you ruffle them, you will see the same fight/flight instinct as our cat – or the squirrel, for that matter.
Now, you have progressed beyond that point.
You can look at these people, smile at them, be nice to them but realize that you have no real contact with them.
But, this is really the hard part of spirituality.
When mixing with them, you must realize that you are at one with them.
Neither better nor worse.
Have you ever watched videos of cats being raised with squirrels?
They will play together, sleep together and be the greatest friends together because they have both overcome their fight/flight aspects and love has taken the front seat.
This is what Jesus was trying to teach us.
We need to allow the God aspect to develop in us but, at the same time, accept all people and all things as God made them – never judge.
A cat is still a cat and a squirrel is still a squirrel but they can live together in peace when they can accept each other without seeing each other as hunter and prey.
I give you this warning because it is natural to start to feel “holier than thou”, a spiritual snob.
Never let that criticism apply to you.
I was warned about it by the GWB and I pass the warning to you.
Mix with people but never let them know that you are more advanced than they.
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